The Harvest Began with His Word
(sending out prophecies like sowing seeds for the harvest)
In the very beginning of this ministry, God made a promise to me that everywhere a prophecy tape was sent I would reap a harvest, that I would be prophesying to hundreds of people on audio cassette tapes that were sent out to many States within the United States and many foreign Nations. When our Lord made the promise to me I really did not know what He was referring to, but one day, in May of 1994, I found myself boarding an airplane headed for Norway. It was at that point the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance what our Lord had promised. Looking back, I traced within my mind how I found myself headed for Norway. Months prior I had received a letter of invitation to come to Norway. The folks who had sent the letter were a group of men who had found the ad in Charisma magazine and received prophesies.
In our letters of correspondence, I learned that they estimated over 500 Norwegian people had received prophesies after having seen the ad. Once all the arrangements were made, the men in Norway raised the funds to purchase tickets for Wes Arnold and me to travel to Norway. The arrangements were for us to hold three services each day for nine days in Oslo in a church building that had been closed for over two years. Prior to these Oslo meetings, we were to hold a few services in a church in the far Northern part of Norway in a town named Al. When we landed in Oslo, there were a few people waiting to take us on a five and a half hour drive to the Saturday night service in Al. However, our flight was delayed by a few hours. This created quite a rush to get us to the Church in Al as quickly as possible; we sped through the mountain roads in a car packed with five people and lots of luggage.
When we arrived the Pastor rushed us up to the stage. You must understand, we had been traveling with layovers on three planes and an automobile, totaling more than 23 hours without sleep. Without even washing our face and hands, Wes began the praise service and I brought the message and prophesied to everyone in the house. It was about two o’clock in the morning before we closed out the service. The very next morning we were back at the Church and we had communion service; more people showed up and received their word of prophecy. During communion a man and woman entered carrying a young woman and laid her at the back of the Church on sofa cushions.
At the end of the service, the couple came to me with an interpreter and asked that I pray for their daughter. They said that about a year ago, as she was taking communion, she fell to the ground totally paralyzed and had not moved since. My energy was nearly drained from traveling and ministering; however, I kneeled down to pray for the girl. The next day, to our surprise, she came walking in with her parents. Wes and I took a quick glance at each other as to say, “Do you see what I see?” We knew we were in for a wonderful, Spirit filled service; miraculous healings were abundant, and the prophesies were spot on.
The next day we traveled back to Oslo to start the nine days of meetings. The first meeting was at nine o’clock in the morning, and there were only about forty people. The afternoon meeting was challenging, to say the least; one of the men stood while I was teaching and wanted to argue with me about my message. After a few attempts to try and reason with the man, I finally realized this wasn’t going to stop, so I put the microphone down, and Wes and I left the meeting, went back to our room and began to pack to go home. The men who sent for us came to the room and begged us to stay; we told them we did not come to argue then agreed to go back and minister God’s Word.
With an immense foreboding feeling upon us, we returned to hold the evening meeting. We walked into a room with four hundred and twenty six people anxiously waiting for us to minister to them. Our shock could not be concealed. From that point on, the meetings continued to grow until one of the Christian television stations came to televise the meetings. After a few days the owner and host of the TV station asked me to come on his program and prophesy live over those who called in for a word. Hundreds of people hungered for more of the prophetic movement, and they continued to send for us; we made fourteen more trips over the next two years. Many people were healed and His Word continued to bring in a harvest.
We Need Prophetic Ministers
Internet Prophetic Network is a part of the Internet Church Network designed for the purpose of reaching the 16,000,000 Christians, according to Charisma Magazine, who no longer have an interest in being a part of the local Church. Times have changed drastically over the past few decades. We now find ourselves stepping into a new era of Christianity. We thought when we threw out the church pews and hymnals we were really being radical. Now we are finding the building is being tossed aside as well. When God began to move us in this new direction over 11 years ago, I had no idea that it would go this far or be this difficult breaking ground to build an Internet Church.
Now the time has come for Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle to broaden its horizons allowing others to join in the task of constructing the net that will, with God’s help, catch a large number of those 16,000,000 Christians who are no longer affiliated with their local church. Very soon, PMT will begin networking and training those of you who share the vision of becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister. We are once again offering the Ordination and Ministerial course DVD collection and study manual to help jump start your ministry. After you have viewed the School of Prophetic Knowledge, you will have your license to begin your ministry training. We will be focusing on the methods for proper prophetic protocol, helping you become a successful Internet minister. All students will have an opportunity to join in. Various levels of oversight will be appointed to help stay the course as we build this Network of Internet ministers.
After you have completed the School of Prophetic Knowledge, your hands-on training with Kent Simpson will begin. After you have made your financial pledge to become a Prophetic Family Partner, we will place you in training in these areas:
Discovering How God is Speaking to You
Training You to Effectively Hear God for Others
Establish Your Ministry by Perfecting the Gift
Please do not procrastinate if the Holy Spirit is whispering to you about getting started.
For more information »
(Jesus) said…, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”
Mark 4:24,25
Family Partner’s
- Receive Prophetic Counseling
- Learning How to Know God’s Will
- Making Business Decisions
- Working Out Family Problems
- DVD of the Month Ministry Gift
- 2 Prophetic Teachings on CD
- Prophetic Prayer & Counseling
- Personal Training on How to Hear the Voice of God
- Kent Simpson’s Private Mobile Number
Prophetic Counseling & Personal Financial Freedom
- Restoring Relationships
- Forecasting Employment Options
- Prophetic Prayer For All Needs
- Guidance in Your Ministry
- A Word of Knowledge
- A Word of Wisdom
- Prophesy Over Your Life
- Solid Biblical Counseling
School of Prophetic Knowledge
To enroll in The School of Prophetic Knowledge request the complete set of 12 DVDs and Study Notebook for a one time offering. The first step to starting your ministry. Your Ordination Papers and Ministry License are Included.
Have Questions email us at PMTDebra@aol.com
With so many changes taking place in the world today we all need to know what is happening in the realm of the spirit. All the answers of the universe are within us. For if Christ lives within you, you have the ability to know all things. The challenge is how to get this information from your spirit to your mind. Prophetic knowledge is the key to helping you receive clear interpretation of what God is saying to you. This 12 DVD course will help you plan for your ministry and family’s future by knowing what is around the corner for tomorrow.
We Can Tell by Our Reactions
Author & Teacher
A son, on the other hand, knows his dad is always there, ready to help him in difficulties, legitimately concerned, on his side. Jesus slept through the storm because He trusted His father’s good intentions toward Him, and He said He would not leave us as orphans. He could have said many things, but he said, “orphan.” In a sense, He was leaving the disciples “alone,” to go on without Him, but whereas before they had Him beside them, now they had been connected to the Father, filled with the Holy Spirit, and He had provided the Way for overcoming in this life and inheriting the next one. He has not left us as orphans.
Sandy Landry
Comments and Testimonies
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Hello Pastor Kent,
The Prophecy on CD was excellent and the word was timely… You are such a blessing and may God richly bless you, your ministry and May we glorify God in our bodies. God is for us and He has plans for our good to prosper us, to give us a hope and a future. May we walk in Him with Love always in my prayers.
Thank you so much. I pray all is well with you…
Bette, in Canada
Dear Pastor Kent,
The Lord has encouraged, directed, comforted, and taught me over the years that He has spoken to me through you. I was one of those who responded to your ad in Charisma. I was so desperate to hear from God that I requested three words during the first year in which I knew about you. That was 1994. Since then, I have accumulated 18 words over 17 years, transcribed in a notebook.
I re-listen to them, read through them, and pray through them when I need to renew perspective, or feel especially vulnerable to the Accuser. These prophetic words are evidence that God knows me intimately, that He does have a destiny for me, and that His loving kindness is unchanging. I have experienced the truth that “man does not live by bread alone, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.” I do not know how I would have made it through some seasons without having heard a true word from the Lord.
At times I have wanted to write you details that would show how on target the words are, but I hesitated for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted you to prophecy without knowing me in the natural. I did not want you to be influenced by any knowledge except that from God. I usually did not write anything with my requests for words. I needed to know for myself that you hear from God.
My history shows that I have needed more than “a-word-a-year” to see His plans for my life prosper. While I have personally known other prophets, and pastors with the gift of prophecy, often they were more concerned with building their ministry than with building up the Body. I have needed prophetic pastoring and counseling from the right source, and God has in recent years been restoring my trust. My friendship with three women has given me experience with gifted leaders of international ministries who are motivated by love and obedience. They have shown interest in me that is genuine, and their love is a factor in my liberty to trust again.
Through your ministry, I have received many humbling words…truly awesome words that only the Lord could bring to pass…a ministry to the ailing, preparing them for another world, an encounter with the Angel of the Lord, the gift of teaching, the gift of prophecy, dreams and interpretations, audio recordings and inspired writings, travelling to many places and seeing many faces.
I’m truly very thankful.
Jill, in Texas
Sister Ty Boye
Sister Ty Boye is here to also hear God for you…”by two or more witnesses every word shall be established”…Email her for a word from God in text form.
To Bless Our Ministers
To receive your prophecy in TEXT form by EMAIL contact Sister Ty Boye @ email: TEXTHISWORD@gmail.com
A love offering is NOT required but appreciated. To make an online offering CLICK HERE to bless GOD’S Prophetic Minister. Please mention “Text by Ty” at the end of the process.
You can also mail your offering to:
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76240
ATTN: Sister Ty Boye
100% of your offerings will go directly to Sister Ty.
In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.