In the early 1990’s there were only a few Pastors who believed in personal prophecy or trust anyone who said they could hear God. One special friend of mine, Apostle Paul Roberts, who has an international ministry and has established many churches in various foreign countries called me with a request for a Pastor friend of his. He told me over the telephone that his friends name was Gary Holcombe; he was from Hawaii and had just been laid off after serving his denomination for over 17 years.
Reverend Holcombe had spent a few years as a traveling evangelist for his denomination before taking on the missionary responsibilities in Thailand. Eventually, Rev. Holcombe became the overseer of all the Pacific Islands and pastored a Church under his denominations banner. Feeling very secure in his position, he found himself totally caught off guard when he was given his notice of release. Having to vacate the parsonage with his wife and two children, he was basically homeless with nowhere to go. This is when he called upon our mutual friend Apostle Paul Roberts.
Apostle Roberts knew how bad the pain Rev. Holcombe was experiencing, for he too had been given his walking papers a few years prior from the same denomination. With great compassion, Apostle Paul made arrangements for Rev. Holcombe to bring his family to Texas from Hawaii. After Rev. Holcombe’s family was settled in, the plan was initiated for Rev. Holcombe and his family take Apostle Roberts’s van and travel around the country to various churches preaching as well as looking for a church to pastor. After a few weeks Rev. Holcombe returned financially broke and emptied of any confidence he might have had in himself. This is when Apostle Paul Roberts called me.
We made arrangements with Apostle Roberts to meet Rev. Holcombe and his family at a restaurant that was midway between the distances of our homes. When I was introduced to the Reverend Gary Holcombe and his dear wife Bonnie and their two children I could see right away God was going to deliver them from their pain. As we waited for the meals to be prepared, I pulled out my trusty tape recorder and dropped in an audio cassette tape. After a few things were recorded regarding their past, the revelation of which caused them to believe that maybe I was able to hear God for them, our Lord said, “When you return to Hawaii there will be one waiting on you who will offer you a place to live and within the same month you will be offered a position in a ministry that will establish you.”
I am not sure if they had even planned on going back to Hawaii, but they seemed to be happy of the fact they had some direction. Within a short period of time I received a call from Apostle Roberts and he informed me that Rev. Holcombe and his family in fact did manage to get a flight back to Hawaii; however, they had no idea what they were to do when then landed. He continued to report that when they landed in Oahu that the Pastor who had replaced him met them at the airport. He loaded their things into his vehicle and took them to their old parsonage and told them he was not going to need the place for he had a home. The first part of his prophecy had just been fulfilled.
As they waited around for days in the parsonage someone came knocking on the door. When they opened it there was someone from the church who said that a Mr. Pete Sumrall had called for him and gave Rev. Holcombe the phone number. Rev. Holcombe returned the call and found out that this man is the son of the late Dr. Lester Sumrall, a well-known television minister. In fact, his son Pete Sumrall ran the TV station in Hawaii and was calling to offer Rev. Holcombe a job at the station. Within just a few days Rev. Holcombe was sitting behind a desk at the station drawing a paycheck for more than he made at his former position. One of the benefits were that he was given a television spot to launch his own ministry, “Prayerline Hawaii.” I believe that was the name of the program. This was the second part of the prophecy that had come to pass in a very short period of time.

Then Apostle Paul Roberts reported that Rev. Holcombe was a new man. He reported, “It is true, one word from God can change your life.” Continuing with his report, Apostle Roberts said that Rev. Holcombe was setting up a three day revival in a large church for all three of us to minister and that he had a number of other churches who wanted to host Apostle Roberts and myself to minister to their congregations. Then he informed me that I would need to bring my family and that we would be staying at his place, for three weeks and three days. Needless to say, I was taken aback by the request, for that is a long time to be away from home, although we were really excited about the plan. This was just the beginning of a new relationship that God had formed by delivering His Word, and there is much more to tell.
God’s way of networking continues to shock me even today. His promise to me was that everywhere a prophecy was sent I would reap a harvest. My rewards have been abundant, and I am so blessed to be a small part of His Word being sent out that more lives may be changed.
(God’s networking to be continued in next week’s e-Newsletter)
Comments and Testimonial
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ~ Rev. 19:10b
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Dear Kent,
Another “bulls-eye” word! The word the Lord released brings confirmation and clarity to what He has been pouring into my spirit. I have great hopes and great expectation of the things to come. Thank you, Lord! Thank you for Kent, for his ministry, and for all that come to hear Your voice through his ministry. God bless you and all that you touch in Jesus precious name. Oh, taste and see, that the Lord is good!! Amen.
God bless you and yours Brother,
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In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241
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