If there was ever a time we need the power of Jesus in our lives it is NOW! People are losing their jobs, reserve troops are being called from their homes and families to serve in the coming war and the economy is on the skids. With the Holy Spirit working in our lives, we will find the way out of our troubles. It is during these times that the move of God is found to be the greatest in the history of the church. With the bad come the GREAT ONE!

This video was recorded at Jesus Tabernacle on Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. The praise and worship was tops and the testimony from Pastor Helena touched all of us. You will find it all in this video. If you need a little inspiration, this video should give you a boost.

If you are looking to get closer to the Lord, you will want to join us at Video Church. You can show up anytime you like, wear whatever feels good and rewind any part of the service you might have missed. Remember, be blessed and let God do the rest.

(Video link goes here)