What Does the Bible Say About Receiving Prophecy?
It says clearly in this passage that by following those prophecies Timothy might fight the good fight. Those prophecies were for direction in Timothy’s life.
PASTOR RAS: I have always been fascinated by Paul’s instruction to Timothy about the prophecies made concerning him. “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck” (I Timothy 1:18,19). It says clearly in this passage that by following those prophecies Timothy might fight the good fight. Those prophecies were for direction in Timothy’s life. Paul indicates that Timothy, because of the prophecies given by the Elders and Presbytery, (I Timothy 4:14) could fight the good fight of faith and could stand up holding on to good faith and conscience.
PROPHET KENT: I am glad you are the one that said that, and not me! Let’s face it, I am on the cutting edge here and a lot of times my face feels like an old plow hitting hard ground. In my position, I must be cautious of the things I say. Even if I was to use scripture such as in I Timothy it would appear as if I was trying to lead people by my words. When you get right down to it, if it is my word, nothing is going to come of it anyway. If it is the Lord’s word, who can stop it?
It is better to go with God’s will for your life than to reject His call.
Timothy could have tried to war against what God said, but it still would have happened. It is better to go with God’s will for your life than to reject His call. I have seen people who have tried to reject their word but it still came to pass.
Paul told Timothy not to neglect the gift in him that was given to him by prophecy and the laying on of hands by the presbytery. The presbytery was made up of seasoned prophets and elders. Men perfected in their gift and established in their calling. They were not men just hanging around giving parking lot prophecies. They were respected by the church leaders and the congregation. Paul told Timothy to follow their words because they came from seasoned ministers who had been established. I would like to add that God gives gifts to men and women alike for there is no male or female in the Kingdom of Heaven.