Re: What Happened in 70 A.D. Online Events
Hi Kent,
Thank you so much for the membership so I am now able to keep up with all these wonderful videos. It was very generous and thoughtful of you. At this time I’m watching them from the free wifi at the library (thank you Lord). I tuned in on Sundays live message with T.J. he is great. I’m really beginning to get the preterist view and it makes sense. Honestly its the only thing that makes sense. I could never understand that other nonsense. I also was able to watch the videos “God Made Himself a Son” really enjoyed those too. I’m having a joyful feast on all this great teaching, Love It!!!! When my miracle happens I will be sure to let you and Debbie know right away, and it should be happening any day now. I also want to thank you with all my heart for calling me back after I shared with Debbie my situation. You will never know how much that meant to me, it touched my heart deeply that you thought enough of me to call. So all this kindness you and yours have shown me I pray much Blessings to you and yours:)