RE: His Anointed Fragrance of Knowledge
Thank You,
I received your prophecy the day before my 66th birthday, and it was just THE BEST Birthday present the Lord could have given me. As I transition into these later years of my life I have been made a watchman on the wall, confirmed by your prophecy, and must get up at all times of the night to pray. Sometimes I would kick against the goad, but the grace of God was strong and I would do as I was told. Since I’m retired now I can just sleep during the day. I find it easier to give correction to my children and grandchildren now and they receive my words. I received your prayer cloth and there was a white feather on the green carpet acknowledging you as a Prophet of the Most High. I put the prayer cloth over my head and listened to the prophecy again and again. Then I felt led to put it over the pictures of my two grandsons, Joey and Alex. I am thankful for your ministry and thankful for you.
You are in my prayers.