Subject: RE: KNOWING the THINGS of GOD
Dear Prophet Simpson,
Thank you for the revelation. As I read your email I could only read the scriptures that you made reference to and the Holy Spirit just overwhelmed with his presence because I got a vision for Texas I am saying How can it be because I don’t know anyone and I am not ready but the Holy spirit speaks through these prophetic words that we serve a God that is able to do exceedingly above all that we can ever ask for This is the time for harvest Open Doors and for us to walk into those open doors knowing that the glory of Jesus is reigning over us.
I felt it in my inner being as the scripture says Out of our belly shall flow rivers of living water God is up to something A change is in the atmosphere I felt that burden we should pay off our debts and don’t credit anymore because there is a lot for us to do and we cannot be stressed or bugged down with stuffs that when Jesus say move we can just go on the move of God.
I am so grateful for what the Lord has deposited into you so you can passed it on to us my brother.
I am truly amazed and blessed of what the Lord is doing here on earth and the spirit realm.
To God Be the Glory for the great things He has doneGreat is thy faithfulness New Mornings will I see.
All that thy hands needed My Lord will provide More of you Lord More of you Lord Alleluia All Praise and Honor to my King and Lord.
Blessings, Blessings,
Praise the Lord