Dear Kent,
Blessings to you and Debbie!
I wanted you to know how thankful we are, and we bless and honor you, and raise the honor shield, That you have been (and are) one like Elijah who has done the hard and difficult things, set limits for what needed to be limited, And created room and space for people to use the gifts God gave them-to bring solutions from Heaven for earth’s problems and reconciliation to the generations.
That is one of the things that is so different AND refreshing about you-your viewpoint on making room for others-which makes room for the Lord’s work-and causes His Kingdom to move from one generation to the next rather than drop off after the “Joshua generation/eldership” passes to Heaven.
You were strongly on my mind as the Lord began downloading the words on the article He directed me to write today “Expand to fill-These are the days of Elijah.” So, I wanted to take this moment and say so.
Asking that the Father bless and refresh you and Debbie, and minister to you in ways that are meaningful.
Blessings and grace