Dear Kent,

Thank you for the e-Newsletter today! Kent, that was the nail on the head-the reason people feel wandering, lost, is because NO ONE has recognized their calling in the Body of Christ. That is 100% correct. And probable reasons for that-lack of knowledge, jealousy, and insecurity, the government of God with elders and prayer and fasting not positioned at large.

And so, it takes a prophet’s insight in an apostle with a father’s heart to understand from the Lord WHAT to do, and have the faith to act on it. Bless you. You have multiplied effectiveness in the Kingdom strategically to have heard this from the Lord and done it. But you have been like David to choose to take the road where you have to run from Saul, and in so doing, learned to trust the Lord even when He asks things of you outside traditional paradigms. So you have the trust level in Him to follow these unusual leadings.

Excellent job!