Dear Kent and Debbie,
Just want to thank you for today’s broadcast! (PMT Online Events) It was so helpful. You spoke very deeply on key things in a clear, but easy to follow way, giving REAL help.
Loved how you gave those illustrations (the neighbor and the baby in hospital) – there was (is most always) “more to the story than meets the eye” and unless those things are said. . .people just think it’s life, or a hard time.
The broadcast was just full of help.
And Tina, she is amazing. Hope to be hearing more from her. Brother Bob (hope I’m getting his name right) has a heart of gold, and I love how he’s digging into God.
We – all ages of us – need to see all other ages digging into God and keeping on moving, and keeping on making a difference.
(Wanted you to know our Pentecost offering will be in the mail to PMT this week)
Blessings and grace