PMT Prophetic Event – July 24-25, 2015

Good Morning

Will attempt to express an extraordinary wonderful time with other Believers and the awesomeness of Holy Spirit being so gracious to move among us. I have never experienced a greater outpouring of the Spirit.

There was no man made formal order but a total time when Holy Spirit moved without hindrance, touching our souls, setting us free. Our Father wants His children healed and delivered so they will be of more benefit for His kingdom.

We are His salt in this world and it’s time we leave trials of salt wherever our path leads.

Even, Today, trying to take in all that goodness is still tremendously beyond explanation! A great big AWE, yes.

A couple weeks back while camping, my right hand was injured hindering almost everything, and while standing in the ministry line, a gentleman from Arizona (Kris Koskella) prayed and my hand is healed, praise the Lord.

Currently walking in another season of life, many questions were answered during the question/answer session that wanted or needed for my personal knowledge. We make our plans but God directs our path. He confirms our steps are ordered and this gathering is more proof for being in right timing with Him.

When Kirk & Skip ministered my spirit was enlightened and now I have a clearer picture of things to come.

It is such a high honor to have the privilege to see how God is moving in and through PMT knowing that the beginning days had it challenges. Challenges now may be even greater than those new beginning; however, you did not let it stop His call on your life. Praises to Jesus!

Blessing to each of ya’ll,