Dear Pastor Kent,
I hope this finds you and Debbie very, very well, and as always, blessed!
I always thank God for your lives, and for leading me under your mantle. The word on The Cost of Disobedience really shook my soul. I have read the scriptures under study, but had never seen them in the light that you shed. I never realized that the death of Aaron was in direct response to Moses’ mess up of striking instead of speaking to the rock for the water!
There is so much the Scriptures do not dwell on, but I can imagine the pain in Moses’ heart after this verdict, and how humbling it must have been for him to suffer such a loss, and have it on his conscience as well, that he was responsible for his brother’s untimely death!
I pray everyday for the power to hear God when He speaks to me on anything, so I will never ha ve to see that side of His mercy! And thank you so much for sharing about how you ask for God’s Mercy and Grace at least 3 times daily, and how it has blessed you. It came as a surprise to me that it was that significant, because I don’t know why, but I suddenly started doing that about three months ago, every time I was pondering over the issues of my life and felt overwhelmed. I would just say “Lord, I count on your Grace and Mercy to see me through”, and I thought I was just saying it out of my sense of “powerlessness” to change the situation. I never knew just how significant it was till I read your words of exhortation encouraging us to do that, and your testimonies on what, just by doing that, God was doing in your life. I was so greatly encouraged. It is good to be led by the Spirit of God!
I really thank God for you and Debbie, and for all that you are doing to raise us all up on your shoulders. Thank you for giving us a place of refuge, of illumination, and of growth. I feel so much stronger in my spirit, and much more peaceful in my life since becoming a part of PMT, and continually being refreshed just by being a part of those anointed associations. You may never fully comprehend what God has used you to do till you see Him face to face, but Pastor Kent, I want you to know that I honour you more than words can express for what you have deposited into my life, and I give God all the glory for guiding my feet to your Ministry when I was searching, yearning, and thirsting. I was just so tired and weary of having to put up with “playing church”, and was hungry to experience the God of the Bible, of Elijah and Elisha. Now I can’t wait to complete my graduate studies and delve into what God has purposed for me, I just can’t wait!
My warmest love to Debbie and Savanna. May God continually bless and keep you and yours,
with love,