RE: Relationship in the Prophetic Ministry
To Kent;
Brian was looking more to visit with you just a little bit, touch bases with you regarding holding a meeting in Mansfield area. We are looking to push into this area (open a church) and would like to have the opportunity to share you (gift of God) with others. You are sorely busy already we know. If you no longer do conferences or small groups certainly will understand, but do not know many prophets and trust very few who call themselves prophets. You, however, are trusted even proven ground.
My heart is that people hear a true and trusted prophet because hearing what the LORD has to say is important. You are a precious gift! We (I) have no intent to use, or abuse, such a precious treasure God provides in His servants. Yet, my heart desires that others be touched – strongholds torn down, and His Spirit filled/re-filled that Hope be restored to those He has called to be received as Children of God. However, as my ordination papers came from your hand I pass your name and information to others all the time and hope a visit is possible.
(We’ve not been in touch for too many years, and yet, I thank the LORD for you, my friend. I’ve peeked in on your site from time to time, but never any more than that. When I moved to Texas in 2002 it was to do ministry with PMT – so I thought -but that ‘dream’ fell apart before it even got a start. Then, just before I met Brian (a promise from 1988) my moving here seemed like a very foolish mistake, worse, looked as if it had ended in doing harm to you – yet Got! So I am truly amazed that you hold me, my words, in such high esteem. I am grateful; thank you for your love and your kindness.)
Love, always in Christ Jesus