I must admit my heart and/or mind has fallen into this thinking and expectation. You sent me a word and a handkerchief. I was blessed and honored to receive both! I held the handkerchief in my hands and wasn’t sure what would happen. I believed in my heart all of the many things the word said it would do. This word has been in my heart far longer than I have been saved BUT it is only now, after so many years searching and going to healing school and searching some more, and wanting to heal like Jesus and do amazing things helping people – truly helping people – to where they are changed from the inside out. For years this was my heart’s desire.
Then in 2011 as I am being trained at my new job, I learn the person training me is a pastor. A month or so after I gave my life to Jesus. I never expected this but I have been so changed like never before and at the same time so undone! I thought because of my past yearnings God finally led me to all I had prayed for and hoped for and worked for. I find Kent Simpson similar to the pastor at my job,out of nowhere 🙂 and I receive a word that answered my heart. But since this word the opposite seemed to happen and it’s only now that I realize all the junk and debris of living and believing in false things and teaching has to be removed.
One of the first things God told me after coming to Christ was “expect the extraordinary”. Some days I say, ha? How can all this be extraordinary and I see now how extraordinary He is. He is the most amazing and mysterious gift. I cannot ever possibly expect anything to happen or come the way I have been led to believe by the standards of this world!
The belief system, false thinking, pride, idolatry – all of it must be removed in order for Him to be reflected. Yes he took his disciples right away and made them fishers of men but they too had to be trained and rebuked and many times they did not realize who Jesus really was. Then He left them and after the confusion and chaos of it all settled, He appeared to them! They were truly humbled and wrecked. That’s how I want to be – after all the confusion, striving, expectations that I have built up about the gifts and what I’m supposed to do – I want to be visited and totally humbled and then really truly see from the eyes of my heart.
PS: Thank you Kent Simpson. I have not been able to see you in person but pray I meet you sometime. Until them May God continue to do a mighty work in you.