Hello Prophet Simpson,
God led me to your ministry through one of your articles on the Elijah List. It was like God just drew me to your words and nudged me to pursue what the Holy Spirit was doing through your ministry. I received a personal prophecy last year in February/March. Your emails and articles encourage me b/c I am in a place of just not knowing what God has planned for me but I know He is preparing me in a more deeper/serious way. I have led/taught Bible studies and even wrote a book but I feel there is more from The Lord that He wants to accomplish through me. I feel like He us keeping me in a hidden place until the right time. Sometimes it can cause me to doubt myself and feel like I am not doing enough.
If you recall one of your articles about the pottery process; I really related to that process and can tell you God put me through His Holy Fire this past year of 2013. I feel like I am sitting on the shelf to cool (as you put it). I don’t have many immediate Christian mentors or a tight Christian circle right now (we are currently living overseas) so your ministry has been mentoring me. I really long to be in a circle of mature Christians (not just playing church but really moving in the flow of what the Holy Spirit is doing RIGHT now). So many Christians don’t want to grow. They want to stay exactly where they have been for the past 10 years. That can be very discouraging for believers who really want to move and mature in the current times of what God is doing.
You can bet that God is using your ministry in many ways you can’t even see. I am just one person on the other side of the computer screen that God is impacting b/c of you obedience and passion for His a Kingdom.
Thank You
In Christ.