Dear Kent and Andrea,
I just wanted to say thanks again for the words that were said to me concerning the obligations to my parents. You can’t imagine how long I hold onto just a few phrases to get me through certain things. I try to write down all that is said and I re-read again and again as prayerfully as I know how. Just a few words often lasts me for months, but oh how I need them. I guess a big way to describe it is being given HOPE with these prophetic encouragements. Even if the word given is nothing terribly decisive or guiding, everyone who hears the word of the Lord from you in this way will feel edified. Even if it’s just the very real comfort that there is a God who connects with us when we’re troubled, a God who SEES and understands our oftentimes very weary and challenging circumstances. Then, what you have give is the assurances that we are LOVED and CALLED BY GOD, even if our gifts and talents don’t seem to match up to the other people who always seem to be winning! That each of us individually has some gifts and callings of our own! God can cause each one of us to win too with our own set of talents he has given, what a relief! Otherwise we often get bogged down with what oftentimes feels like a dark tunnel of confusion and burden. Only a word from the Lord can heal and set the path straight and lift up the discouraged. I can only imagine the sacrifices and prices you both have had to pay and continue to pay to live true to this calling on your life. It can’t be easy. Thank you for being there all through these years.