“Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it?”
Lamentations 3:37
Shabat Shalom, Brother Kent,
A sister prayed for me, Myra (Myra Sencibaugh on NeedaWordfromGod.com) & my hubby& I prayed last Tues in the middle of the night: I asked Abba Father to heal my right knee & I decreed new cartilage & a new meniscus. I had pain for 2 years & the next day on last Wed. I had no pain! PTL I got a miracle! I still am going to go to Physical Therapy as my leg is weak from not enough exercise. Keep praying for Dale & me to prosper & I still need a good Christian attorney in CO for a court case coming up in Nov. for my slip & fall accident that happened on 8/22/13 where I got my knee injured. Thank Yah for his angels who help us. Thank you all too!
Love & Blessings,