Brother Kent,

I hope that at the time you receive this letter, you and your beloved wife are doing good in all aspects of your life. We’ve been praying for you and for Andrea, here in Texas, in Mexico and thru our RadioProfetica.Net, and really which that She’s doing better. I also wanted to thank you for your Mni Sermons, full of power and Revelation, You send them as a Mini, but by the time they arrive, they are a huge Blessing to me, I could preach hours with your short and simple sermon. The truth is, that for me it’s been a great blessing, since I’m so busy, in the work of the Lord, and don’t have time to receive a word for myself, capuche? But when I receive your sermons, it’s like if I had gone to Church, amen? Thanks, for your work and efforts in spreading the word in such revelation. You know what?

The sermon you’ve send before the last one, I had preached it in Mexico Sunday night, when I got home about 11:00Pm, I checked my mail, and saw your sermon, and it was almost exactly as what I preached. Then I realized that the Lord, it’s with you, and that HE talks to you very loud and Clear. Awesome!

Blessings Brother Kent for you and Andrea, and your Ministry.