Thank you for this encouraging word. It even came on my birthday! I have experienced all of the above at some time or another. Once I “accidentally” sat among the leading prophets and apostles at Bill Hammond’s church. I was uncomfortable as I was aware of many people looking at me wondering who I was and what I was doing there. (I got there before they all came in and sat around me) Later I was called out and it was prophesied over me, “Yes, you are one of these.” What a divine set up! Still very few know my name, but I am OK with that. I am only looking to hear and obey and say whatever the Spirit of God gives me to speak. I have just come through a 2 year season where it seemed like many were being used to silence my prophetic voice – even leaders who asked me to teach on prophecy! I have learned that often “Man’s rejection proceeds God’s promotion!” It keeps us in that place of only saying what God has to say instead of our fleshly opinions. What is salt without a little seasoning? I believe many of the prophets are transitioning into a new season where God will require us to speak warnings and loving correction in a bolder and more passionate way. We have spoken so many personal words into lives to impart destiny, callings and stir up the gifts and that is all good, but these times demand a shout that will awaken and prepare the church. I was awake all night awaiting the arrival of my new grandson, who I believe the Father has called to be a prophetic voice like Samuel from a young age. The anticipation outweighed the desire for sleep. As we anticipate the Bridegroom’s return we also need to have such a desire that we dare not sleep. Blessings on your ministry and keep sharing the prophetic word of encouragement. It is life giving.
Rose In Bloom Ministries
PO Box 93
Ogden UT 84402