It is a lot easier to believe what the devil says than what God says because you were born into sin (ref. John 3:6). We do it all the time. If the electrical company sends you an unpaid bill and you have no money you immediately think they are going to turn off the electricity because you can’t pay the bill. Any bad report you believe right away the worst even though it has not happened. But let God say something good is about to happen in your life and doubts automatically come rushing into your mind. It is almost a foreign thing for us to hear the voice of our creator. We should accept and believe for something great to happen every day and expect Him to speak something good and encourage us as any good father would. We need to be in a relationship with God so that we are always expecting to hear His voice. Most of the time He speaks so gently His voice sometimes is just a whisper. If you are caught up in your own thoughts and emotions you will miss God. You will go on your own way without even acknowledging his existence. You must learn to force your soul (mind) not to let your emotions take control.
His Promises are for Today
We believe that Jesus still heals today. Do you realize what the church had to go through to come to the place where mainstream Christianity believes that Jesus is still healing people today? Do you know that in one country where William Branham visited in 1962 there were over 200 pastors waiting at the airport to make him get back on the plane and leave because they did not believe in the gift of healing for today? I am not saying that Branham was the healer, but rather one who believed it and was blessed with the gift. Those church leaders did not believe that anyone could operate in the gift of healing. How are you going to receive healing if you do not believe? But now the church has come to a place where it believes in healings. We believe in miracles and we see miracles; if you hang around these kinds of people you will see them too. There are people everywhere who are ministering in miracles because Jesus is alive today.
Jesus Christ is same yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
So What about Prophecy?
Have you ever thought about this? I have been approached by men of God who said if Jesus prophesied in the Bible and gave personal prophecy then they would believe in personal prophecy too. There was a time when Jesus was being judged. He had been arrested and taken from his disciples. But before Jesus was taken He said that Peter will denounce Him three times before the rooster crowed. Peter did not believe what Jesus had said. None of the disciples believed Him. They said they would serve Him to their death before they let anyone take Him.
But they scattered! Then what happened? Peter ended up cursing Jesus until he heard the rooster. Immediately, Peter remembered what Jesus said. Jesus had prophesied to Peter and given him a personal word (ref. Matthew 26:33-75). The word superseded what Peter even wanted to believe. Understand that Peter did not want to deny Jesus. He sincerely wanted to die defending Jesus yet his flesh took over and he acted cowardly. He could not fulfill his own will. Do you know why? It is because the word was working in his life.
The ultimate will of God superseded Peter’s will. Jesus was showing his disciples that it was because of God’s will that these things happened. This experience showed them how powerless they were without Him and how much unbelief still existed in their hearts. However, that is not all. That was also an example of prophecy. It was the foretelling of something to take place, and it happened just as Jesus said it would.
What about the Word of Knowledge?
Jesus also operated in the word of knowledge. The word of knowledge is the revelation of things that have already happened or things that are happening right now in your life. This is seen when you know that no one else knows but when the Lord reveals it to another, you know God knows what is going on in your life. When you hear the word of knowledge come forth, you will wonder how he knew that. That is not the point. God knows what you are doing at all times.
There were a few times in my life when had heard the Holy Spirit speak to me. When I was about 35 years old I was home watching television using our new satellite dish when I came across an X rated program and the Holy Spirit said to me, “The eyes and ears of God are everywhere.” As to say you need to change the channel because He sees you. I was not yet baptized in the Holy Spirit; therefore, I did not understand spiritual things. I started looking around the room wondering how God could do that. I started thinking maybe He looks through the eyes of an insect on the wall or maybe through the eyes of my dog that was lying down on the rug next to the fireplace. I thought to myself how does He do that? How can the eyes and ears of God be everywhere?
It just goes to show you that without the baptism of the Holy Spirit you cannot help but be ignorant of spiritual things. God is Spirit, and He is in all places at all times. He is talking to each and every one of us even if we are not listening. He talks to us about all kinds of things: difficult circumstances, beloved people in our lives, how we can walk more closely with him, many different situations. How can He communicate to so many people all at the same time about totally different things? Sometimes He talks to whole masses of people about the very same thing all at the same time for He is omnipresent.
What about Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues?
We believe in tongues and the interpretation of tongues. However, still today there are some who believe the gift of tongues is of the devil. I do not understand how they can believe that! It is clear in the Bible that it is a spiritual gift and it is not from the devil. But what is the gift for? Is it there to just ward off evil spirits like garlic hanging around your neck? Or like a rabbit’s foot in your pocket? What is it there for?
I recall back in 1992 I was ministering in a church in Fort Worth, Texas every Monday night. Each night this one woman would sit right in front of me and speak in tongues the entire time I was preaching. After about three Monday night services I made a point to ask the woman why she continued to speak in tongues while I was bringing the message. Her answer was that she was chasing off any evil spirits that might come through my teachings and to protect the people. This is when I discovered that people just have not a clue to what the gift of tongues is for. It is very simple and you will see in two verses what tongues and interpretation of tongues is for.
“In the law it is written:
“With men of other tongues and other lips
I will speak to this people;
And yet, for all that, they will not hear Me,”
says the Lord”
1 Corinthians 14:21 & Isaiah 28:11, 12
God gave men stammering tongues and yet for all that they will not hear me. Do you know that the whole purpose of tongues is to hear Him? Paul says that if you pray in tongues then pray that your mind is fruitful of those things spoken that you do not understand.
“Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.”
“What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding”
1 Corinthians 14:13-15
What good does it do if I speak in tongues and not understand one word? How will you ever know what God is saying? But if there is an interpretation then you will know what God is saying. When we pray in the spirit we edify ourselves. What does that mean? Did you know prophecy is for edification? It is like you are prophesying to yourself when you pray in the spirit (tongues) and then pray in your natural tongue what the Holy Spirit revealed to you Spirit to spirit.
Romans 8:26, 27FAITH to FAITH – by Kent Simpson from Kent Simpson on Vimeo.
That it is for comfort and for building up? It is very edifying when you hear the voice of God no matter what He is saying. Even if it is bad news He can make it sweet as honey. There is something edifying about it, even when you are told you will go through difficulty. If we know God is in it with us we have courage and know we will make it with His help.
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Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
aka,”The Mail Order Prophet”
Comments and Testimonies
Then Jesus said to him,
“Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”
John 4:48
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
Thank you so much for the clarification in this article! It really takes the pressure off regarding a prophecy that has been given; and the joy we can have in knowing that the Lord will perform His word to us. God bless you, Prophet Kent, for speaking about these things, so that there is less confusion, and more peace about prophecies. Now I can relax and watch God work out the details of His word to me.
God bless you!
Brother Kent you are becoming my favorite prophetic voice.
It’s very, interesting that you noticed the same thing I have about the ‘Word of Faith’ movement putting ‘binders’ of responsibility on people, to justify the fulfillment of God’s word in their life.
I have been noticing this element in the preaching of major ministries for years, and knew it wasn’t kosher, but you are the first person I know of, to directly point it out. In the vernacular, it would be called “double-talk”.
Also, this is the best William Branham video I have ever seen.
I am fascinated with the details in this story.
Can’t say that I agree with the “Seed of Cain” story, or teaching of Branham; it doesn’t bare out in scripture.
There may be an element of truth to this teaching, but I don’t believe it is literal, as Branham taught it. I think this falls in the subject matter of a Prophetic Paradigm, where the seed of Cain, or Serpent seed, is birthed “prophetically” or hidden in a prophetic paradigm of relationship, just as Abraham had a relationship with God.
I don’t think Cain is literally a seed of Satan. I think this is where Branham’s gift ended, rather than where it began. His strength was in “real people” in “real time”. I don’t think his gifts were able to flow into people of the past, and future, as he was enabled to do in the present realm. I don’t think his gifting necessarily gifted him in interpretation of scripture.
Although, obviously, he had some great strength there, I don’t think he was extremely accurate. (Just my thoughts on it).
Hi, this is Schzen. I’ve received the prophecy today 20-08-2013. It was sent in the subsequent email to this. It’s having a significant impact. Thank you.
Thanks Prophet/Pastor Kent Simpson for paying the price and following after the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.
A friend I recommended for a prophecy with Kent Simpson has received their prophecy a week ago and he asked for a prophecy a few days after me. His name is Richard and it touched him big time with the way Pastor Kent Simpson used a convoluted expression with the word breath i.e. blowing on people for their healing.
Pastor Kent does not know that Richard is contending for healing for emphysema.
God bless you and all your team and everyone connected to you and you team.
Love, Schzen
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