In my younger days I found myself constantly chasing God with a hunger to know what He had called me to do for Him; it was not an easy. I had already walked away from everything in search of His will for my life. I finally came to a place where I was about to give up and go back into banking, but one day as I was in prayer about it, I was suddenly launched into a Vision of the Tabernacle. It was one of those things that can only be described by Jeremiah in chapter 3 of his Laminations. Visions truly are not for the weak at heart in fact it can take days to physically get over the impact. Like I have said before, it’s more than just coming up with a good idea.
The Vision began with me walking up to an expansive round building. The anointing that was coming from this place was like a raging pillar of fire, in which angels of the Lord were traveling through the flames from heaven to earth and back again, delivering His Word from His throne.
At the time I thought to myself why would angels be in the fire; that did not seem right to me. THE TABERNACLE Later on God led me to these verses of scriptures Psalms 104:4 and Hebrews 1:7; “Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.”
As I was drawn closer, I could see a set of large double doors that opened as I approached. Inside there was a wide inner hallway. I noticed pairs of shoes lining the wall. Every so often there would be a break in the continuous row of shoes and boots. There stood another set of double doors with two small windows. I was tempted to look into the room behind these doors, but did not know if I should. With curiosity getting the best of me, I slowly went up to the window and looked inside.
Peering into the large circular room, the first thing I noticed was the white carpet that looked like angel’s hair. The strands were very long and lying every which away like clouds one upon another. Then I noticed a round stage in the middle of the room. On stage a man reading, and there were musical instruments of all kinds, harps and horns, pianos and keyboards, drums and stringed instruments of all types. There were also a lot of mike stands but no musicians.
Hanging over the stage were huge flat screen monitors, and I noticed the pictures would often change. Four screens facing four different directions, I could see what was on two of the screens: one had a picture of a little girl with brown hair. The other had a man standing in front of his business; he was talking, but I could not hear what he was saying through the soundproof barriers.
Standing with their hands to the air, were hundreds of men and women praying as the man on the stage spoke. I noticed that a few people at a time would walk away from the stage, making their way to one of the many cubicles that lined the inner wall of the circular room. When they came to the cubicle they would sit down; some would begin to text, while others were on the phone that hung on the wall in front of them.
I could tell that whatever they were seeing on the screens was causing them to respond to the needs of the people from around the world who were making contact with this Prophetic Tabernacle. Looking straight up, I could see beveled windows in the steeple, with glass panes cut in such a way that it beamed various colors of light down into the room. As the sun moved so did the prisms of light.
When I came out of the Vision, I was lying flat on the floor with my arms stretch out from my sides. Tears had been flowing until my hair was drenched. It was as if in a microsecond the Lord allowed me to see through His eyes what He looked upon everyday all day. He too had tears in His eyes as He said to me, “How quickly they have forgotten all that I have done for them.” My heart was full of conviction, and I felt I was near death. I could not eat for days; when I tried I would immediately get violently sick. Feeling weak and displaced, I did not know what to do with myself. I went to the park to walk and get some fresh air. The people there would look at me and turn hurriedly away.
This vision came to me during the spring of 1991. If you were an adult at that time you can understand why all that is in this Vision did not make too much sense. However, with Internet and flat screen TVs of today we can see how it would be possible for this to come to pass, and it will if we can gather those who are truly called to be a part of this Vision.
Most all the people in the Vision lived in housing that was located all around the compound of the Tabernacle. The number that came to me during the vision was 883. This number represented the number of people who lived and ministered from this awesome place where God seemed to speak to the people of all nations.
Old Time Healing Services from Kent Simpson on Vimeo.
From this place of miracles, people will be raised from the dead; authorities will be led by the word of our Lord directly to where the children who have been abducted are located. Giving and receiving words of healing, restoration and deliverance will be daily events.
The days of the big gun televangelists are coming to an end. For God will no longer allow anyone to share in His glory. He will use these unknown vessels to minister through, so that none will be glorified. For all the glory belongs to one His firstborn Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
To be a part of the Vision of the Tabernacle visit us at www.FreePersonalProphecy.org
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Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
aka,”The Mail Order Prophet”
Comments and Testimonies
Then Jesus said to him,
“Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”
John 4:48
Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor
God bless you sir,
I am so grateful for the prophetic words I have received from you for me and my family. I am grateful for your teaching and education on the prophetic and the angelic, and for your testimony. I honor you for your faithfulness. Thank you for being a Godly example to me of endurance, faithfulness, long suffering & humility.
God bless you sir,
Matthew D.
Facebook Postings:
Jenny Sullivan and Bonnie Christine Holcombe-Fontana commented on this.
Jeremy Holcombe
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So several weeks ago, I was contacted by the Editor in Chief of Software Developer’s Journal and asked to do a piece on WordPress websites. They gave me no guarantee on publication but I gave them a piece. Not only did they publish the piece, but it is the lead piece for the magazine. If you guys are interested in checking it out here is the link to the piece for free.
Building Your Own WordPress Sites from Scratch
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Welcome to free download zone. The issue is available to download after free registration. Attention Please keep this URL. After verifying account, You’ll b | Building Your Own WordPress Sites from Scratch-landing page for authors | new ideas & solutions for professional programmers
Jessica Nunn You are a good writer? Who knew, oh wait God and Kent Simpson knew I remember now lol. We are so super proud of you!
Kent Simpson There you go; God had you on His mind all along.
Catherine Holcombe
Hawaii Pacific
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Congratulations to Jeremy Holcombe for getting an article published and not only that but it being the lead story!!!!! Way to go!!!!!
Dear Pastor Kent,
This Word from God has changed my life. This is what I have been praying for and feeling is my calling and the Lord has imparted His gift upon my life through you speaking over my life. I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in my life. God bless you abundantly!!!! I pray that one day I will become a prophetic family partner.
God bless you,
Sophia K.
Join Our Prophetic Ministry & learn to operate in your prophetic gifts with the help of The School of Prophetic Knowledge.

Whether you are looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God or you have a desire to share your prophetic gifts with others, Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle’s School of Prophetic Knowledge has much to offer.
For starters, our staff at Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and the gifted Prophetic Ministers participating in our ministry are friendly and helpful in providing support and guidance in your passion to minister to people in need. As you can see from from our website, we offer many resources to help you establish your internet ministry. Below are the steps which can help prepare you on your journey to becoming a Prophetic Minister.
The training DVD’s will provide many hours of rich, encouraging and inspirational lessons to help take you to the next level of your relationship with God. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself.
During your training, you will receive one-on-one instruction and oversight from Kent Simpson as you begin to reach out and operate in your prophetic gifts. So many people are needing a clear word from God. This is your opportunity serve God as a vessel for Him to speak through.
Becoming an Internet Prophetic Minister provides the perfect opportunity for you to win souls for Jesus.
Begin Today:
Step 1 – Enroll in the School of Prophetic Knowledge
Here’s How:
- Obtain the full Set of Prophetic Teaching DVD’s
- Complete Individual Study Guide for Each DVD
- Make the Decision to Build Your Ministry Alongside PMT’s Prophetic Ministers
- Contact Pastor and Prophetic Minister Kent Simpson to Confirm Completion of Study Materials
Step 2 – Sign-up for One-on-One Prophetic Ministry Training
Here’s How:
- Make Your Financial Pledge to Become a Prophetic Family Partner
- Begin Your One-on-One Training with Kent Simpson
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Step 3 – Build Your Ministry and Get on Board with PMT
Here’s How:
- Promotion to the Next Level – Listed as One of PMT Ministers in Training Prophesying on our latest web site FreePersonalProphecy.org
- Offering Yourself as One of God’s vessels to Speak through Receiving Offerings for your Ministry on our Newest website that is presently under construction GodHasAWordforYou.org
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