
Prophet Kent,
By the way, in late 2017 or early 2018, you gave me a word that I will start ministering to pastors, those who are high on the totem pole so to speak. It has started in 2018 when a pastor asked me to minister to him, then another pastor attended our bootcamp class, and recently Cris and I were on a mission trip in St. Croix and I gave a powerful teaching on “Who We Wrestle With” from Ephesians 6 and on Bitterness. Six pastors were there in attendance and received ministry along with their congregation. We are so blessed by their humility and we hope this will continue as God leads.


To Apostolic Prophet Kent Simpson!

Thank you so much for this Prosperity Prophecy on Video that I received! I am so thankful for this Video and for that Angel of Prosperity sent to me, thank you thank you! I have listened to it and I thank you again, so much, for this message from The Lord! I look forward to the time ahead to spend the money as The Lord wants it.

I am very grateful for all your prayers!
God bless you and The Ministry!


Michelle M.

Prophet Kent,
Thank you! I was able to received my prophesy today. You spoke so many truths. I will go to God. I will. talk to Him. Bless you…for your words speak truth to me and my Spirit. My burdens as I have felt God wants them.

Michelle M. Scholtz
Eagle Cleaning Service, Inc.

Cindy Johnson, Missouri

Dear Kent,
I am sending you my story of healing from migraines. Please feel free to use my testimony as you and God see fit. I felt it strong in my heart to share.

I started suffering from migraines and my sophomore year of college. I did not have them often but when I did, they were terrible. I would vomit and not be able to get out of bed for at least 24 hours. After I had my child who is now going to be 11, they increased exponentially. I literally had daily migraines. I took daily migraine medication. They continued getting worse and worse. I was taking 12 pills a day. Then when he would add rescue medications on top of it, I was taking between 14 and 16 pills every day. I was getting occipital nerve injections in the back of my head, and Botox injections as well. These Botox injections were 40 to 50 injections into my head and shoulders to help every three months. I had also been hospitalized for a migraine that lasted 17 days and had another one that lasted for 14. During this time, I could not function, I could not get out of bed. I would ask God to relieve me of this pain and take me to heaven.

Kent and his army of prayer warriors have been praying for me for many years. I want to tell you to never give up on God. He does things in his own timing and we may not understand it. I know I still don’t understand why I would suffer for eight years of daily migraines and being stuck in bed for most of it. But I want to tell you there is always hope with God and he hears us even when we feel like he doesn’t. Continue to do the best you can and I am trying to make meaning from it. I am much more compassionate now when people tell me they are in pain.

On Friday, January 12 at 8:10 AM 2018, I knew I would never have a migraine again. My friend Fay was with me and we were sitting in my car and had just arrived back and parked in the garage from an outing. I can’t tell you how I knew, it was just this overwhelming feeling of relief. I had just been relieved of a 17-day migraine and I knew in my heart and my mind that God had healed me.

I am now off of every medication that was to relieve a migraine. I no longer receive occipital nerve injections or Botox. It took a while to be able to come off of all of these medications safely, but with time and God I have been able to do it.

My message to anyone out there praying for a miracle is to never give up. Trust God. He hears you and is working in your life in ways you could never imagine.

I am a medical professional and I take care of extremely sick people every day. I believe in both medicine and God. However sometimes, God is the only one that can truly heal us.
I know it can be hard to trust when you are in pain or don’t understand what is going on, but he has an ultimate plan for your life. I believe that with all of my heart, soul, and mind.

Cindy Johnson, Missouri

Crystal Wade

Dear Kent and Eric,


This article on metals bats it out of the park. Wow!

I’ve been praying that people would “get” the heart,
And I so appreciate your building the case.

I know that you must build this in your generation—
And that it’s for worshippers. The millennial generation actually have this—the gift of worship.
Which is why, it dawns on me now, that there’s a big “nonwork” thought process in them (negative side).
They’re called to keep the fires burning. It’s a work from a place of rest—but

They and the ones to come will be those who keep the fires burning at
PMT Tabernacle. Each generation is tasked with specifics.

Anyway, bless you and all His best,
Crystal Wade

Dennis Scott

Prophetic Ministries Today,
One of the first prophetic words God gave Christine and I was “It will be like a roller coaster ride”. I thought, that’s great but how I got it completely wrong. The twists and turns and highs and lows and all the shaking, man we felt like a piece of taffy some times. Kent your prophecies that by the way over our life, but we are in His wonderful hands. No better place to be, and in His perfect time we stepped through the open door.
Dennis Scott

Myra Sencibaugh

Myra Sencibaugh recommends Prophetic Ministries Today.

I have known this Powerful Man of God since 1994 and he has NEVER steered me wrong in any direction.
He hears God plain and speaks only what he hears.
He is direct, honest no beating around the bush whatsoever.
His HEART is truly for the people that come to him.
No deceit hidden in his heart, no hidden agenda to use or abuse God’s children.


Dear Prophet Kent, thank you so much for my word. It made me cry, in a good way. yes, I did not ask for a specific healing because God has blessed me with good health my whole life. I have minor old age issues at times that I do not let control me. Your word as always was very accurate. I wanted to bless your ministry as much as I wanted to hear words of comfort from my Father and His words brought me comfort and peace. I have been thru a lot of changes since Mike passed and rest was much needed. I am discovering my next assignment. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to God and to me. Much love to you and your family.



Dear Prophet Simpson,

Having viewed the Healing Prophecy that, you emailed; I have the following Praise Report to share:

Regarding my desire to lose weight … Prior to February 14th, I had been dealing with a battle between the spirit and the flesh which can be compared to an up and down roller coaster ride. I knew the Lord was dealing with me about making a commitment concerning this, but you know how the flesh hates to submit. Finally, my inner spirit man got tired of the battle, threw the flesh to the floor and subdued it. The Lord sensed my total surrender and began dealing with me about eliminating carbs and sweets from my daily food intake, and utilizing intermittent fasting. So, I did. The hard part was making a long-term commitment without reneging. Once I cleared that hurdle, I was amazed that the rest came easy. Oh, I missed the mashed potatoes and sweets that my elderly mother made when I visited her. But I firmly told her, “no more sweets, and I’ll bring my own food!” (I also missed my TWIX bars.) Still, once I made the mental and spiritual commitment, on Valentine’s Day I began to adjust my diet according to what the Lord had laid on my heart to do … and that was to eat only lean meat and certain vegetables and nuts. I did that for five days and then began to fast two meals a day for the next five days. As a result, I’m happy to report that in 12 days, I have lost 5 lbs.! I’m over the second hurdle and I’m looking forward to losing another 25 lbs.! The Holy Spirit has been Faithful to control my appetite, as I had asked Him to, and I also believe that He is helping induce the weight loss so I don’t become discouraged. I am eating healthier, I feel more energetic, and I’m definitely liking what I see when I step on the scales!

Thank You for Partnering with Me in The Journey to Improved Health!
Sincerely & Respectfully,
Patricia Warwick


Dear Kent,

RE: The PMT Campus

My sincere gratitude for You.
Bless you for your honor and care. My heart is uplifted.
FYI. Interestingly, l have not heard one word from Marcus. It seems there is no decision to make.

Recently l dreamt and part of the dream was of some land, a number of acres. Lovely walking tracks and 2 or 3 small cabins where l walked to see. It was a campus at the very beginning stages. There were people working to build it.
At the end in the center of the property was the like of the top deck of a ship. It was filled with people. I climbed up onto it to meet some people l know who are close.
I have thought of it as yours.

Love and Blessings