A Pastor at the End of His Rope

In the early 1990’s there were only a few Pastors who believed in personal prophecy or trust anyone who said they could hear God. One special friend of mine, Apostle Paul Roberts, who has an international ministry and has established many churches in various foreign countries called me with a request for a Pastor friend of his. He told me over the telephone that his friends name was Gary Holcombe; he was from Hawaii and had just been laid off after serving his denomination for over 17 years.

Reverend Holcombe had spent a few years as a traveling evangelist for his denomination before taking on the missionary responsibilities in Thailand. Eventually, Rev. Holcombe became the overseer of all the Pacific Islands and pastored a Church under his denominations banner. Feeling very secure in his position, he found himself totally caught off guard when he was given his notice of release. Having to vacate the parsonage with his wife and two children, he was basically homeless with nowhere to go. This is when he called upon our mutual friend Apostle Paul Roberts.

Apostle Roberts knew how bad the pain Rev. Holcombe was experiencing, for he too had been given his walking papers a few years prior from the same denomination. With great compassion, Apostle Paul made arrangements for Rev. Holcombe to bring his family to Texas from Hawaii. After Rev. Holcombe’s family was settled in, the plan was initiated for Rev. Holcombe and his family take Apostle Roberts’s van and travel around the country to various churches preaching as well as looking for a church to pastor. After a few weeks Rev. Holcombe returned financially broke and emptied of any confidence he might have had in himself. This is when Apostle Paul Roberts called me.

We made arrangements with Apostle Roberts to meet Rev. Holcombe and his family at a restaurant that was midway between the distances of our homes. When I was introduced to the Reverend Gary Holcombe and his dear wife Bonnie and their two children I could see right away God was going to deliver them from their pain. As we waited for the meals to be prepared, I pulled out my trusty tape recorder and dropped in an audio cassette tape. After a few things were recorded regarding their past, the revelation of which caused them to believe that maybe I was able to hear God for them, our Lord said, “When you return to Hawaii there will be one waiting on you who will offer you a place to live and within the same month you will be offered a position in a ministry that will establish you.”

I am not sure if they had even planned on going back to Hawaii, but they seemed to be happy of the fact they had some direction. Within a short period of time I received a call from Apostle Roberts and he informed me that Rev. Holcombe and his family in fact did manage to get a flight back to Hawaii; however, they had no idea what they were to do when then landed. He continued to report that when they landed in Oahu that the Pastor who had replaced him met them at the airport. He loaded their things into his vehicle and took them to their old parsonage and told them he was not going to need the place for he had a home. The first part of his prophecy had just been fulfilled.

As they waited around for days in the parsonage someone came knocking on the door. When they opened it there was someone from the church who said that a Mr. Pete Sumrall had called for him and gave Rev. Holcombe the phone number. Rev. Holcombe returned the call and found out that this man is the son of the late Dr. Lester Sumrall, a well-known television minister. In fact, his son Pete Sumrall ran the TV station in Hawaii and was calling to offer Rev. Holcombe a job at the station. Within just a few days Rev. Holcombe was sitting behind a desk at the station drawing a paycheck for more than he made at his former position. One of the benefits were that he was given a television spot to launch his own ministry, “Prayerline Hawaii.” I believe that was the name of the program. This was the second part of the prophecy that had come to pass in a very short period of time.

Apostle Paul and Nancy Roberts

Then Apostle Paul Roberts reported that Rev. Holcombe was a new man. He reported, “It is true, one word from God can change your life.” Continuing with his report, Apostle Roberts said that Rev. Holcombe was setting up a three day revival in a large church for all three of us to minister and that he had a number of other churches who wanted to host Apostle Roberts and myself to minister to their congregations. Then he informed me that I would need to bring my family and that we would be staying at his place, for three weeks and three days. Needless to say, I was taken aback by the request, for that is a long time to be away from home, although we were really excited about the plan. This was just the beginning of a new relationship that God had formed by delivering His Word, and there is much more to tell.

God’s way of networking continues to shock me even today. His promise to me was that everywhere a prophecy was sent I would reap a harvest. My rewards have been abundant, and I am so blessed to be a small part of His Word being sent out that more lives may be changed.

(God’s networking to be continued in next week’s e-Newsletter)

Comments and Testimonial

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.      ~ Rev. 19:10b

Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor


Dear Kent,

Another “bulls-eye” word! The word the Lord released brings confirmation and clarity to what He has been pouring into my spirit. I have great hopes and great expectation of the things to come. Thank you, Lord! Thank you for Kent, for his ministry, and for all that come to hear Your voice through his ministry. God bless you and all that you touch in Jesus precious name. Oh, taste and see, that the Lord is good!! Amen.

God bless you and yours Brother,
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In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor

Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241

We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.
Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.

Networking His People Together

Over the years it has been amazing how God has used people as instruments of His divine will to bring us together for the purpose of delivering His Word. I would never have met any of the hundreds of people He has so graciously networked into our lives if it were not for His specially appointed leaders who obediently do His bidding. One such person is Glenn Landry, whom I have known since 1993. He and his wife Sandy, an author and teacher, have connected me to all kinds of people. Once the initial connection was made, the Holy Spirit would take over and begin to set up folks like dominos, ready to fall under the power of His Word being prophesied into their lives.

On one occasion Glenn called me one day and told me to come to his home on a scheduled day to be a part of a fish fry and instructed me to bring some tapes and my recorder. Well this was not the first time Glenn had made such a request, and I knew right away when he told me to bring my tape recorder ministry was going to be the dessert. However, this request was a bit different, you see, the men he had invited to his fish fry had been working on putting in underground utilities for a good size real estate development for Glenn. The one thing Glenn said that perked my ears was that these men “were lost as a bunch of geese, unsaved and foul mouthed.” I told Glenn we need to play out this event differently than we had done in the past. We did not want to spook them off, so I asked Glenn to let me take the lead right after supper. Glenn agreed and I penned the date in my calendar, trusting the Holy Spirit to be in our presence.

When the day arrived for the big fish fry, I gathered my stuff and drove about 60 miles to Glenn’s home. The first thing I noticed upon my arrival was the men seemed very uncomfortable in Glenn and Sandy’s beautiful home overlooking the Nolan River. After we finished eating, the men were ready to take off, but Glenn pulled their reigns and they were steered into the grand room. As the men looked at the furniture and then looked at each other I could tell they did not think they were wearing the right clothes to sit down, but when Glenn said “SIT” they immediately sat down. Then Glenn turned and looked at me as to say, “You’re up. I caught’em you clean’em!”

Before I ever left home I had been instructed by the Holy Spirit how to start out this conversation with these backwoods boys. I addressed the three men sitting on the sofa by asking them if they believed the people on television who proclaim they talk to the dead and can tell people about their lives. Their response was unanimous with comments like, “They just edit the taping so it seems like they told them something supernatural.” Another said, “I think they have people talk to them before the show and then tell the speaker what they found out so they look gifted.” I had expected these kinds of comments, so I said, “What if I could tell you things about your life without any of the tricks you mentioned; would you believe then?”

Suddenly they began to squirm around, looking very uncomfortable as I picked up my tape recorder. Without giving them a chance to move I started with the man closest to me, telling him what God was saying about his life, wife, kids and work. This large 6’4″ man began tearing up and trying to hide it from the others. After I was finished, I handed him the tape. The other two men were looking at him like he was a wimp, which made him angry; he jumped up, walked over to Glenn, stuck his finger in his face and chewed him out for telling me about him. Glenn calmly asked, “When did you tell me anything about your life, wife, kids or work?” Puzzled, the man turned to his co-workers and asked if they had talked to Glenn or me. They answered with a strong, “NO!” He turned to me and angrily said, “My uncle is a pastor, and I going to call him right now,” and stormed out the door. I picked up my tape recorder and began prophesying over the other two men, leaving them confounded and dazed. Then the man who went outside came back in, moving rather slowly. I ask him what his uncle had said. With his head down, he said you were right and he wants to meet with you.

Pastors Bill and Teresa Campbell

A few days later the man’s uncle and I met at Glenn’s home. The pastor brought his wife, and when I arrived they appeared to be a bit concerned. After introductions I said, “Well before we visit allow me to tell you what the Lord is saying about you and your ministry.” I picked up my tape recorded and began to do what I do. When I finished, I handed them the tape and the pastor began to tell us what he had planned to do to test me to see if I was really from God. He said, “I told God on the way up that if this so-called prophet is from You he will not ask me a bunch of questions but just give me the word you want me to hear.”

The Pastor and his wife were blessed and scheduled me to come to their church and minister. The Pastor’s names are Bill and Teresa Campbell, and I have been blessed to minister to their congregation over the years. In fact, many of the videos you see on YouTube were recorded at the church were they pastor in Batson, Texas.


For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.      ~ Rev. 19:10b

Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor


Hello Kent,

It is good to hear from you! Yes, you can add our e-mail address to your mailing list. I want to thank you for all of the prophecies that you have given us through the years. Just this past week I was reviewing them (even as far back as 1992) and want to let you know what an encouragement they are to me, till this day. It has taken a lot longer than I expected for many of them to come to pass. Nevertheless, God’s timing is not our timing. Know that your ministry has significantly impacted thousands!

May the Lord continue to bless you, your family and ministry for His glory. Surely, the best is yet to come!

Rob & Kay Winters
Prepare the Way International
40325 N. Graham Way
Anthem, AZ 85086
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In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor

Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241

We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.

Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.


For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Romans 11:29

It is true that when God blesses you with a spiritual gift it is irrevocable; in other words, it cannot be taken away. Many folks have a real problem with this but not to worry. He will not take the gift back if misused; he simply removes the vessel. That is something to truly fear. The Scripture above also explains why the gift is still working when ministers go astray, living a life in sin but still ministering in the spiritual gift for which they are known. Unfortunately, there are also ministers who guide God’s people with an iron fist and make demands of their flock that are unreasonable. Those kinds of misgivings concerned me for years until the Holy Spirit taught me about these truths regarding spiritual gifts. After I had received the prophetic gifts, my life was radically changed. However, at the same time I was troubled over what our Lord Jesus said next:

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'”
Luke 6:21-23

In the beginning of my ministry, I thought that I could do no wrong in the eyes of God. Soon, however, these verses shattered me and made me question my own salvation; I wondered how I would ever be sure that I was pleasing God. Even while ministering in the gifts of the Holy Spirit I could mess up and hear Him say, “Turn from me I don’t know you.” How could I ever get it right? What must I do to please God and not feel at risk of losing my position in heaven? It seemed to take years before the Holy Spirit came to me and told me what I needed to do to keep myself safe in the eyes of God. What He said is easy to repeat but much more difficult to accomplish. These are His words; “Love My people the way I love them.”

Encountering Angels

Part 1 – Ministry of Jesus

Jesus healed many and produced a multitude of miracles. It is interesting that he accomplished these miracles in various ways. Sometimes Jesus would spit in the dirt, making mud and placing it on a blind man’s eyes; it is written that he would put his tongue upon them and even spit on them if the Father required him to do so. You do not see these same types of ministries today, because they are not socially acceptable. But, Jesus prayed to the Father and whatever the Father told him to do, He did. And it always worked, 100% of the time. Today we want to see 100% accuracy in the gifts of the Holy Spirit moving in the body of Christ. The world needs to see the evidence that Jesus is alive and working in his body, the church. We are all members of the body of Christ. Each of us has a function and a purpose. Each of us has a gift, whether we are aware of it or not. The gift is there, even though it may lay dormant for a long time.

Receiving God’s guidance begins with acknowledging Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you are uncertain about things then ask Jesus to come into you life and show Himself to you. God wants a personal relationship with you. He wants to guide you and comfort you as a loving and wise Father. And all relationships begin by talking to and spending time with each other. As you get to know Him and let Him guide you in all things, you will begin the process of “hearing” Him.

Prophetic Pastor, Kent Simpson

Comments and Testimonies

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.      ~ Rev. 19:10b

Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor


Hello dear Kent and Debbie,

Thank you soooo much for the email-prophecy that I read here in the middle of the night and that really encouraged me once again to continue on the path that the Lord has shown me in dreams, visions and prayer, in His word and in very surprising confirmations of things. My son happens to have a job now and not only 1 but 2! We are grateful!

At his 2nd day of work he had to transfer a car to the company of the man whom we asked the Lord about (you and me). I am sure God arranged this in the right moment, to confirm a word He gave to also transmit at the same time. My son came home with a bag full of gifts (they produce marmalade, jam, honey and syrups) – we were both surprised.

It’s the real thing, the real confirmation of what I asked God for so long in this confusing time past: If it is really HIS will or only MY desire. So, I am very joyful today and continue to pray.

It also means that a soul is being saved, and it came a very long and hard way to endure all that.

So no matter what, I have your word confirmed with 3, 4 other (I really must say signs and wonders here today) and know I am in God’s will – that’s about the happiest state to be in and a place where one can endure things much easier.

You have REALLY helped me. My son is happy. My workplace gets more quiet now and I indeed see the ones talking the most (bad things) leaving this time now, the housecleaning also takes place right before my eyes. I have a helper with the car now and even found out, that we have a Christian in this workplace! He even leads a church and after finding him on the internet I went into his office to talk to him. It was so encouraging to find this one, now we are at least 2 among others who do not believe (Austria is a difficult mission-field, but the Lord so very much surprised me with this young brother there whom I saw so long now but never knew his belief – his family is from India and he told me a quite great story).

I would like to send you a real flower-bouquet, that’s how happy I am. Being in God’s will is the most perfect thing and with knowing this I will now trust in the Lord to lead me along this path as He confirms it’s not a side-track or the wrong direction. I was looking around me in this past time, totally distressed and confused, not knowing anymore if I was wrong or what was wrong with me. I was deeply depressed over a long time but I feel it makes sense now to be in this place of work, to even have 1 to run to for prayer-help there and a new church-family to join.

I send you an electronic bouquet and please know I am happy. Very happy. I do ask you to remember me if you pray and I come across your thoughts from time to time, God will surely bless you, I ask Him that. I do pray for my helpers, too and I only have you over there.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you from the bottom of my heart. You ARE a servant of the Lord, and you truly are a brother who has helped me over the years in finding the Lord, getting to know Him better and finding my own identity much more – there are not many who have been that compassionate and that’s why I am grateful such brethren and sisters do exist.

Austria, Germany

Friendship with God as a Single Mom

Jill’s Journal

Jill Thrift

It was twenty-one years ago on my son’s 9th birthday, July 5, that the Lord told me to purchase a house in the community where I had been attending seminary. Since his birthday this year, I have been thinking about that summer, and today decided to read my journal from those days. I have boxes and boxes of journals! It has been my way of keeping a more objective record of important events and conversations, as well as a record of my prayers and God’s counsel and answers.

We think we will never forget some things, but we do, or we remember the most emotional parts and lose perspective. As I read some entries from that summer, I was struck by how differently my son and I must have perceived and experienced the events of these weeks. There are things I did not share with him because they were not burdens for a child to carry.

My son was painfully feeling the lack of a dad, and very angry that he didn’t have one. His parents’ marriage had failed, and his father chose little contact with him after the age of two. When he was four, God called me from Texas to seminary in New England. My son’s dad told him when we left Texas that I was “taking him” from him, even though he was not showing up at the times that he had reserved for visitation to be with him. In June of 1991 my son told me that he blamed me for the divorce. I didn’t try to explain the divorce or excuse myself from the responsibility, but I asked him to forgive me for the pain it caused him.

His lack of a father has been a deep grief for me. I felt responsible for the choice I made of a husband, and ashamed that I had not attracted another man to be a husband to me and father to him. My nine-year-old was so hurting and angry that he was doing things like cutting the power cord to the electric fan in our seminary apartment. He was disrespectful and disobedient, arguing and arguing before eventually yielding with sarcastic compliance. He was a great Little League baseball player. On June 11 he had a dream about losing the championship baseball game to the Red Sox! In real life, he had badly sprained his ankle at church and been on crutches for over a week, angry with me that he could not play baseball. It seemed that he could not wait to get away from me and be with his dad in Texas.

I was reacting in all the wrong ways. I had had a bad, bad headache off and on for two weeks. I was tired and anxious. The previous year I had been diagnosed at Mass General Hospital with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I had shortened my seminary studies to graduate earlier. Now a year later was the transition from seminary to another season with important decisions. A local church had called me to join their pastoral staff. Our apartment lease was up in August and we had to be out in six weeks.

I felt we needed a home, a dog, and a neighborhood with community. I was afraid of making wrong decisions. I felt insecure as a woman and as a mother. I felt a failure in my most significant relationships, with my parents, my husband, and now my son. I felt guilty and defeated. My son was crying out for help and I didn’t know what more to do. He said that he was not willing to forgive me for the divorce and that he wanted to spend the summer with his dad. His dad agreed for him to come for three weeks if I would pay the expenses.

I asked a pastor friend who knew us well if he had any counsel for how I could be a better parent. He said that parents are to raise their children to live in truth, goodness, righteousness, and justice – knowing and loving the Lord — that the main goal is not to get your children to like you or to be your friend. He warned me not to give my son power over me by fearing the withdrawal of his affection and friendship.

I knew this was my vulnerability. All parents need affection and friendship as they go through the challenges of being a parent. God intended that a husband and wife provide this for one another. When one parent is missing, the temptation is to rely upon the child’s friendship and affection. I was not a bold person to begin with, so I had difficulty standing up to strong manipulating forces that seemed never to abate.

My pastor seemed to understand things about a boy that came naturally to him. He knew he needed someone to wrestle him, tickle him, and challenge him physically. By the gracious providence of God, our pastor was the Little League baseball coach that summer and he himself LOVED the Red Sox! He sat down and talked with my son about the hurt of divorce. Not knowing about the recent baseball dream, he told my son that “divorce was like baseball: Whether there’s a strike out or an error, the consequences are the same, and the team has to put it behind and go on from there.”

After my son left for Texas, I searched more seriously for a house. I thought it would be something positive for him to return to if I could afford one in a good neighborhood with families of young children. I found such a neighborhood, and saw three houses for sale. Finally, after four visits and much prayer, I made an offer, only to learn that an hour earlier a higher offer had been made and accepted.

My son had noticed and liked the largest of the three houses, but I felt it was more than we could afford. The owner had reduced the house twice, but it was still way too much. However, on July 5, his birthday, the Lord told me to make an offer of a specific amount. I waited in prayer to be sure. The next day He told me “not to labor,” that He would “work it out.” He said, “Just receive it as a gift.”

Finally I got up the courage, and made the offer. When I did, the owner rejected it and countered that he would definitely not go below a certain amount. It was still too much, and not the amount I thought the Lord had said. This caused me to doubt that I had heard the Lord correctly about buying the house at all, and I made an offer on a less costly third house! However, by the time the owners of the third house countered my offer, the real estate agent came back to me and said that the owner of the large house had changed his mind and would sell for the price I offered! I was overwhelmed by the Lord’s grace to choose such a lovely home for us, and I was so excited to be able to have a home that my son really liked waiting for him when he returned from Texas. However, on the next day my son called to say that he wanted to live with his dad.

I was deeply saddened that he felt he would be happier with his dad, but also shocked that his dad was willing to be responsible for him. I took it very hard, naturally, but I so wanted what was best for him, and I saw how miserable he was with me. I knew he needed a dad and that I might have to give up living with him, but I shuddered at the quality of life he would have with his father. I said that I would think about it and make a decision by the end of a week. I cried and cried.

He called back exactly a week later and immediately asked if I had made a decision. I said yes, and explained that God was holding me accountable to Him for showing my son who He is and teaching him God’s ways. Of course I didn’t tell him how I had agonized over the decision for a week, to the point of nausea, so afraid of not hearing God and making a selfish or plain wrong decision. When my fear and stress came to a head, God finally showed me through Scripture that His best for every child is to live with parents who know and love Him. My son’s father was an agnostic who was highly antagonistic to God. I was so thankful for the clarity.

But I had felt so small amount of stress and anxiety about my son’s response. I expected his anger and blame to be fiercer than what it was when he left home. I knew that I had heard God, and I knew that I was accountable to Him. But I was still torn, wanting my son’s love and desiring harmony between us.

When my son heard my decision, he was so upset that he hung up the phone on me. He did not call back, and his dad did not call me until a week later. My heart was broken. There seemed to be no way of softening the hostility. My joy over our new home was lost in the grief of such a severe breach in our relationship and fear of the tension that would ensue upon his return.

At night, for about five nights, in the very moment I turned off the light to try to sleep, the Holy Spirit came like a fire into my heart and just rested there comforting me until I fell asleep. The first night I thought it might be my imagination, but it felt so good that I just allowed myself to think of the fire as God with me. By the second night there was no question that He was really doing something in my heart.

When my son’s dad finally called, he made five emphatic statements that I actually wrote down. His pride was gravely wounded and he was absolutely livid. The final statement was his deathblow, because he knew I would not betray him, out of concern that our son would be wounded by his rejection. He said of our son:

1.”He hates Massachusetts now more than when he first went there.”
2.”He is not buying into your theology or the pastor’s. He sees that life in Texas is not ‘unchristian.’ And he’s not accepting your convictions.”
3.”He took your explanation for your decision as a slam against me. He does not accept your thinking and he won’t accept it.”
4.”You will experience increasing rebellion from him. He will eventually choose to live with me.”
5.”It would be too difficult for me to have him live with me anyway, but of course I could not tell him that.”

Looking back on this I wish I had had the boldness to expose his hypocrisy, but I was afraid again. In the past he had lied to our son about other important things, and it just left him caught in the middle not knowing whom to believe. His dad let both of us suffer a week over a decision that he had already made and to which in reality he had never been open. The real damage was not just that week, but the months and years to follow. In his junior year of high school the pain and confusion reached its peak, and my son left home to be on his own.

I’m grieved that he was repeatedly caught in these dilemmas, torn between loyalties to both parents. I hurt deeply for him each time. This is only one episode of many in which he was misled, and I was made to look like the obstacle. Things were not as they seemed to him. I do not hate his dad for the things he said and did or didn’t say and do. I did for a time, but in time I was able to forgive him and remember the good qualities in him that first attracted me to him. As I prayed for my former husband over the years, God gave me pity for his captivity to severe addictions that kept him in cycles of failed marriages and failed relationships with the children from these unions. His body finally gave out, whether because of the damage done by substances or by a broken heart, God knows. In 2011 he died alone in his apartment and his death was sadly not discovered for two weeks.

In 1999, eight years after the momentous summer of 1991, my son experienced an encounter with his Heavenly Father than propelled him into a three-year period of spiritual revival that was nothing short of miraculous. He woke up and went to sleep talking with his Father, and with his whole heart he wanted nothing but to please Him. I have saved an email message that my son sent me from college during this period. The Subject line reads: “You are my friend and I love you.” He wrote me that he considered me to be his closest earthly friend. What I had longed for so deeply when he was a child had come to pass by putting first my friendship with God.

In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor

Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241

We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.

Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.

Keep Your Tongue to the Roof of Your Mouth

And I Will Send One Who Will Defend You

In the summer of 1989 I was asked to join The Southwest Conference of Apostles and Prophets to be held in Dallas, Texas. I was new to the ministry and felt so honored to be a part of such a distinguished group of senior ministers. I had received a formal invitation in the mail about a month before the conference was to meet and it seemed to take forever for the days to go by.

Finally, the day arrived and I was headed to Dallas, wearing my finest suit and tie for the big event. As I drove happily, I was not really thinking of anything in particular when God said, “Keep your tongue to roof of your mouth and I will send one to defend you.” I had no idea what He was talking about or when this commandment was to be initiated, so I kept driving not giving too much thought to what our Father meant. I wondered if maybe He just did not want me to talk too much at the conference.

The meeting was held at the Double Tree Hotel north of the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. After everyone had located their assigned seating, the meeting began. The meeting was composed of about 40 well-known ministers. It did not take too long before I noticed a number of the men looking my direction, as they leaned over appearing to ask the person next to them who I was. I felt no discomfort, for I was still riding high on the fact that I was in the presence of these powerful men of God.

It did not take long before I began to figure it out that this was a business meeting of sorts. A discussion began about what action might be needed to be taken in regards to a certain minister. I, along with a few other men around me began looking around wondering who they were talking about. Then a few clues began to surface as questions were asked about this minister.

I recall one minister from the Boston area stood up in defense of the minister in question. He stated that he knew of a prophet who offered pieces of his t-shirt that he had worn while in prayer to God for an offering. He went on to say that if the churches would put these prophets on their payroll they would not have to do such things in order to keep their ministries alive. Then a prophet from Oklahoma stood up announcing that this prophet that was the center of this controversy was sending out prophesies without the oversight of an apostle. Right behind him stood an apostle who began to demand action against this prophet in question because he was prophesying outside of the church. I and many other ministers still did not know who they were talking about, although the realization that I could be this unknown prophet began to settle in.

The morning session flew by and then we all moved to a large ball room to have lunch and hear a message from John Hagee from San Antonio, Texas. There were about 500 ministers from around the world. Only invited ministers were allowed to attend any of the meetings, and after hearing the message from Dr. Hagee I could understand why, for he railed upon the ministers by name who he considered to be a disgrace to God and the church saying things that were not for the ears of the milk-fed Christians.

After we broke up the lunch meeting and heard the message from Dr. Hagee, we returned back to the meeting room where we started earlier that morning. To my surprise the men on both sides of me had moved their seating to another table. It was strange, but I thought maybe they just wanted to sit by people they knew. However, right before the meeting got started one of the ministers came over to my table with tears in his eyes and gave me a scripture that was intended to comfort me. I thought that was rather odd, because I was feeling just fine and could see no reason to be concerned. As the head minister at the table began to open the meeting up for new business, a man stepped into the room that was not present during the morning meeting. Immediately this man was acknowledged and many stood up in honor of his presence. As he made his way to the table he must have noticed that there were not many chairs available for him to sit.

Seeing me with two empty chairs one on each side of me, he started making his way toward me. As other ministers tried to give him their chair, he would quickly thank them and continue walking my way until he finally was sitting right beside me. After everything settled down the head table started the meeting back up right where they had left off. It did not take long for everyone in the room except the minister who had just sat down next to me to know that I was the prophet whose integrity was being questioned. I found it odd, however, that no one ever addressed me directly. After hearing the lists of allegations that were formed against me, many opinions were openly presented for the ministers to consider.

I have to say that normally I would have stood up and given these men a piece of my mind, but I was under such a wonderful covering of God’s grace I just kept smiling at everyone remembering what He had said to me as I drove to the meeting. “Keep your tongue to the roof of your mouth and I will send one who will defend you.” As the list was read and the meeting opened for more discussion, I noticed that the minister who had sat down next to me stood up. The head table recognized him, and when he opened his mouth it was like a roaring fire was coming out of him. He began to point out that he had been practicing all of my alleged wrongdoings, and doing so without the oversight of an apostle. He responded as though they might have been talking about him. The men at the head table immediately went into spin mode as they began to back down from the allegations, assuring him that they were not accusing him. Then the man still steaming said, “I don’t know who you are talking about here today, but I would advise you not go with what you are planning or you will find yourself coming against me and every prophet that is doing the will of God.” Immediately, the meeting moved on to another topic as the man of God leaned over and shook my hand and left the meeting. I was in awe of what had just happened. The man of God was the late Leonard Fox, who was on the forefront of the Later-Day Rain prophetic movement of the early days. Prophet Leonard Fox ministered alongside of the likes of William Branham, A.A. Allen, Jack Cole Sr. and many others who have gone on to be with our Master. Needless to say, I was never again harassed by any of these ministers.

Leonard Fox

Leonard Fox

Leonard Fox was a rare gift to the Body of Christ, an excellent expository preacher, a man with a vision for missions and church planting, and a prophetic ministry that touched thousands of lives. We will all miss him profoundly! He was my first spiritual father and pastor over my life. Brother Fox was my foundation builder while mentoring me as a young preacher and helping me find my way. I know hundreds of preachers would have the same testimony. We honor him as a true father in the faith and rejoice with heaven in receiving him.

Leonard Fox passed away on April 7, 2012. The Celebration service for Pastor Leonard Fox is at Amistad Cristiana Church, located at 863 N. Mt. View in San Bernardino, California

Comments and Testimonies

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.      ~ Rev. 19:10b

Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor


Dear Pastor Kent,

I’m looking forward to this training with great anticipation, great hopes, and great thanks for being able to take part. Several have told me, “He is calling you”, and I have felt the urging of the Holy Spirit but had no idea of how to begin. What a blessing!! I have spoken into others lives, but I know there is much more to learn and understand. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. I pray to be a worthy vessel.

God bless you and all you touch in Jesus name,


Dear Pastor Kent,

Thank you for this encouraging words of the Lord. I have been in a season of decision to inquire from the Lord His intention of sending me here to the Philippines. I run through many conflict/rejection from the church in my fellowship. They perceive that I was acting when the Holy Spirit touches me or when the Holy Spirit whisper in my ears to call out healing for certain physical ailment in the body of Christ. I see them doubting it. I continue to ignore it and ask the Lord to touch them and pray healing over them.

After hearing this words of the Lord received yesterday. I know I will persevere to run the race in serving the Lord even I am being rejected/envied/looked as weird by the member of the church I will walk in love, mercy, grace and continues to pray for God to renewed their mind and visit them in dreams and vision to know Him!

I would love to study under your ministry when the Lord brings me back to California for vacation I would love to order your teaching CD. If only I can get them through digital download through Internet would be great! I believe and appreciate your teaching of the prophetic prayer which I have chance to listen over the Internet which you have send recently.

God bless you, your family and ministry! I am praying for your ministry to prosper for god’s kingdom.

Best regards,
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In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor

Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241

We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.

Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.

God Commands us to Love Each Other

Sandy Landry, Author/Teacher

God commands us to love each other as we love ourselves. Our first response to that might be, “I don’t love myself. Why that would be narcissistic, conceited, self serving.” None of us want to be those things. But let’s ponder how we treat ourselves for a while.

If we are tired, we give ourselves rest. If we are angry, we allow ourselves to vent. If we can avoid pain, we usually do. If we need comfort, we have our ways of getting it whether that is a candy bar or a “curl up” on the sofa to read a book. We are usually good to ourselves, and that is because we love ourselves. It takes grace to go beyond our limits, push ourselves out of our comfort zones, go without sleep or food and deny ourselves. God, I think, put that tension in us and He knows it is there. He knows that to do the impossible, go beyond our human nature, we have to grasp the supernatural and allow Him to give us what we need. He teaches us to receive grace from Him, and the more we do it, the better we get at it.

So how do we respond to others when they become tired and whiney, angry and caustic, weary and in need of comfort? How did Jesus love? He fed the hungry multitudes that had listened to Him so long they were hungry. He comforted the ones who mourned. He allowed Himself to be challenged by the woman at the well and answered her kindly. He was not centered on His own pain on the cross when the thief next to Him repented and wanted eternal life as Jesus was in excruciating pain and dying Himself.

Jesus was God, but He was also man. He suffered on this earth and He felt rejection, abuse, betrayal, discomfort, accusation, humiliation, and pain. He not only can identify with it, He overcame it all. He didn’t react to it or respond to it, because His kind of love was fixed on His Father’s love and His Father’s mission and because He prayed continually, I believe, for an uninterrupted flow of love to humanity. He came to show that God LOVED the World. He didn’t doubt He was loved and I don’t think He was ever in a hurry, scurrying about, fretting over the masses, trying to get to Jerusalem before dark to preach. I believe He moved about with serenity and peace, and that His face and His eyes were filled with love.

How many times have we gotten into self sacrificing and run out of strength and then we are useless. We can wear ourselves out “serving” others and not love ourselves or really achieve much with our serving. We know that is wrong and it doesn’t work. So how do we ever get to a place where we care for ourselves properly, and have enough love for others?

It is by grace and not by works. It is because we have received the Father’s love and we can spread it about, not because we know that it is right to love and we strive to love. We find our rest in Him and we love out of that place of rest. It is not simple to achieve, and yet when we find the place, it is the simplest and the purest thing there is.

Sandy Landry,

Sent By Request: When God Can’t Be Found

“True prophets of God do not tell you what to do, but they do tell you what to expect”

Most people think that I just walk around hearing God’s voice audibly telling me each step to take and what to expect each and every hour of the day. Well, I’m here to tell you that is simply not true; I too experience times where He is hard to find. Remember, His favorite game is Hide-n-Seek. Just about the time you think you know all His hiding places He goes somewhere in His spiritual kingdom that you have never been. It’s scary to not know where God is for you, especially when everything seems to be coming apart at the seams.

I recall many times I have been caught between a rock and hard place and God wasn’t telling me how to get out of my dilemma. One time in particular I had offered our partners a personal prophecy on video from the Holy Land. Everyone sent in an offering to help me get there and cover my traveling expenses. I could not afford to take anyone with me, so I traveled alone. When I arrived and checked into the hotel, I took my video camera and started to walk the biblical streets of Jerusalem. As I entered the Gates of David, a young merchant came begging me to write in English “Grand Opening”, for he said they had just opened a new jewelry store and needed a sign in English. He had me come into their store, and as I was writing he locked the door. I thought that was rather odd, but I continued to write; then he demanded all my money as he stuck a tray of rings in front of me. I told him I did not want any rings and he took four rings and put them in my shirt pocket as his co-worker took my wallet out my back pocket. I tried to give the rings back but they said, “Oh no, you purchased these rings and paid for them” as he handed me back my empty wallet. I knew there was nothing I could do, so I turned and asked them to let me out.

Confused and wondering why God did not tell me this was going to happen, I went to my room. I began to seek God, knowing I had no money and no way to get back to the airport. I was scheduled to stay two weeks, but I couldn’t figure out how I was going to eat. I talked to God about it and then I handed Him the problem. I packed up some tapes and took off walking toward the Whaling Wall. After a few hours of prophesying in the streets in front of my camera, I started back to the hotel to see if God had a solution for me. As I was taking my shower, His Word came to me. He said, “Go back and tell them you know Ruth Heflin, a woman who had a church in Jerusalem for over 33 years, and let them know that you are going to see her tomorrow about the rings.” When I walked in and told them, their faces suddenly turned from a bronze color to stark white. They said, “Do you know Ruth Heflin? She gave us all these display cases for our jewelry and the desk and furniture.” They begged me to take back the money and keep the rings, but I didn’t want the rings, just my money. They wouldn’t hear of it, and eventually I walked out with the rings and money. I couldn’t praise the Lord enough!

After I had recorded over 300 hundred prophesies all over Jerusalem, I headed to the airport. I thought I would just get on the airplane and start my long journey home. In order to carry 300 VHS tapes, a video camera and my clothing I had to purchase a very large toolbox. When traveling with a large toolbox on a dolly secured with two bulletproof pad locks, it is not easy to get through International Customs. However, I didn’t have trouble coming into Israel, so I didn’t expect any trouble getting home, nor did I plan on being detained by the Israeli Army. (And that’s another story for another time.)

Comments and Testimonies

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.      ~ Rev. 19:10b

Prophecy is the testimony that Jesus is not dead but Alive and Speaking to you and I.
Kent Simpson,
Prophetic Pastor


Greeting Pastor Kent,

I thank God for receiving your newsletters.I help me a lot for prophetic direction,activation and impartation.

May the Lord bless your ministries in everything.



RE: School of Prophetic Knowledge

Absolutely loving these DVDs, awesome!!!

Thank you sooo much!!

Susan from Australia


Good morning Kent,

I too was blessed hearing your heart for the people of God who are searching like myself to get in sync with God’s plan for their journey. You are a remarkable person. I rejoiced viewing the Hebrews 1:13-14 DVD last night, seeing the blossoming of your gifts in the office of prophet. Countless people have been set in place for the Lord’s purposes in this hour.

I am jealous for your faith and spiritual sensitivity, yet I know they have come at a price. I will need to overcome inertia and learn to discern the difference between wisdom and being overly cautious. I shudder to think of having to go through any more trauma in order to make progress. Perhaps that’s why I was given Psalm 63:7 yesterday.

“A Because You have been my help, Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.”

Bless you and Debbie today,

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In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor

Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241

We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.

Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.

My Holy Ghost Experience

Heather W. Collins

The first time I ever experienced the manifest presence of the Lord was back in 2004, sometime after the holidays of that year or the beginning of 2005. My birth mother, who had been living with me for a time decided to move out because of some interpersonal issues that had arisen between us. It was really hard for me to understand why she was making some of the decisions that she was making and as she took the last vestiges of her belongings, the apartment felt bare! I went into my room and with a fair amount of despair, I sat on the bed. My Bible was there and I opened it. At that moment, I felt a presence walk into my room. The presence, I would later be able to identify as the Holy Spirit. If I remember correctly, my bedroom door was closed but I knew that instant that the atmosphere changed. I looked down at my Bible to see that I had opened up to John chapter 14 and read through chapter 18. I cannot explain what happened to me better than to say that the scales came off of my eyes at that moment and I was able to understand with a whole new enlightenment, what for years I had been reading. I soaked in the reading with vim and vigor. I had a renewed sense of commitment to the Lord. I began to pursue God and His truth and His ways. Since then, the Lord has worked with me in even more amazing ways, which I will relate another time.

The Banner of the Lord

Jill’s Journal

Jill Thrift

I woke with a dream this morning. There was a large gathering of a great multitude of Christians. Some were on horses carrying royal banners hung on poles with golden cords, like in medieval times. The rest of us were on foot, milling around with great anticipation for what was about to happen. I knew that there was going to be a transfer of banners from one generation to another, but I did not know how it was to take place. I desired to be a carrier, yet so many seemed to have the same desire. Would we approach the banner to which we were most attracted and hope to be the one? That would make for chaos. I did not know what to do, but it was soon to be seen that the choice was not mine anyway.

In the next scene we were all cramming ourselves into a great hall on the same property. We were standing shoulder to shoulder and the passing of the banners was being initiated. I felt a little sad because I was pinned to a wall and could no longer even view the most beautiful banner, much less move toward it. It was a deep crimson with a yellow-gold appliqué. I had not been close enough to see the details of the image in the center, but in my spirit it was majestic. There were many present who I believed were worthy to carry this most beautiful banner, and I did not view myself among them. It seemed that certain ones had been designated for certain banners.

The crowd slowly began to thin as it moved back outside the building. As people exited the building, I was pressed to follow. A remnant was milling around on the grounds as the last of the banners were being transferred. Those who had received banners were lining up in another area for some type of ceremony. Suddenly I heard a horse walking a ways behind me, but I was afraid to turn around and see if it was me who was being approached, or if the horseman was just passing by. The horse got closer and closer, yet still I never turned to look.

Finally, he was right beside me and someone called my name, “Jill.” I felt suspended in eternity while hearing the voice speak, “Jill, He has saved the best for last” (John 2:10). With fear and trembling I turned to see the crimson and yellow-gold banner being held out to me to carry! I was stunned and overwhelmed.

I was sobbing with emotion at this point. Although I could not see the man’s face, I felt his voice of authority asking me, “Are you moved by the honor or by the weight of carrying the banner?” I said, “Both,” and began to weep all over again. Then he asked, “Do you want to get in line with the others, or come to me?” I desperately needed comfort, so without words I ran to him and he held me. It was then that I recognized Him.

As His arms embraced me, I felt a grace and a love that I have never experienced in real life. I was made to understand that the banner was a call to be like “Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross.” (Hebrews 12:2)

Rising from my sleep, I went to prepare Communion. I fellowshipped with the Lord, thanking Him for the incomprehensible grace He showed in allowing me to carry His banner. I didn’t hear a voice in my spirit, but there were thoughts: “Jill, you know My banner over you is love. This is the banner I have given you to carry, that others will see My love high and lifted up, even as I was on the cross. The crimson is My blood and the yellow-gold is My joy. For the joy set before Me I endured the cross. I will reveal the joy set before My people, and My joy will give them strength to endure.”

He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.
Song of Solomon 2:4

You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth.
Psalm 60:4

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12

In HIS Service,
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor

Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle
PO Box 774
Gainesville, Texas 76241

We appreciative any financial support you can share; Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle is very grateful for your gift.

Prophetic Ministry Tabernacle and Video Church Network is approved by the IRS as a 501(c) 3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation.