Ed Mooney

Thanks so much for your ministry sending me 2 cd’s

“A Time to Lament” and “Rejoice in Trials.” These are helping me tremendously in getting through where the lord has me right now. They are speaking to me because that is just where the lord has me right now–I wilderness experience. They have been an encouragement to me and changed the way I am approaching this time. I’m coming for the teachings in October and can’t wait to see all of you for the first time and to see what the Lord will be doing. I have been following your ministry since 1998. Have a good day.



I received your word via a forward, concerning God’s relenting in the disaster area.

I would like to be on your e mail list. Your word released a lot of anguish I was experiencing for those people. Now I feel God’s anger over all the people playing the blame game and trying to find scape goats. I read 1Corinthians 10 this morning. The people of Israel in the wilderness acted much as some today. Verse 10 really jumped out at me… “Nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.”

I praise God that He has relented. I keep crying out for all those poor people that have lost everything. I pray the spirit of repentance comes on His people and that we learn to stand in the gap for the nation.

Yours in Christ.


Brother Kent,

I received the personal word of the Lord on CD today and I have to write and thank you for your listening ear to His Word. The word you spoke from the Lord is a warm and welcome confirmation. It is also a help for me to hold on and know that God has not set me aside. You spoke of the rejection and betrayal. It is an accurate word. I’m 60 years old and for over 30 years have walked in a passion for Christ. My “Christian” husband divorced me because I was too spiritual for him. He said he didn’t want to change. I have the mantle of the prophet and you confirmed I have the mantle of a counselor.

People open up and share things with me all the time things they would never tell anyone else. I listen to the Holy Spirit and seek His word for them and ask for Wisdom as to what to say to comfort someone and give them hope. Thank you again, for what you spoke of the present and the encouragement for my future as I continue to trust God and obey Him and seek His will for my life.

Tim Stone

Pastor Simpson,

Thank You for filling in the blanks. My walk with God is still in its infant stages and I must hear wisdom from those like you to move and grow with God. I will try my best to apply your wisdom to my word. I do not want to force anything, but when you receive words like that one cannot help but to be excited and want to move on it ASAP. I will stay in touch with you if that is ok with you. You sent my mother a tape a few years back and she wants to find the tape and ask you a question about the prophecy. God bless you and thank you.

Harvey E.

You may be interested in this little story.

About 2 or 3 years ago we requested a tape for a Shirley Hindle. She came from an Anglican background and asked Aggie from time to time whether she thought she, Shirley, would make it to heaven. What is interesting is that on her very first tape the very first sentence said, “… I have a place reserved for you in my eternal kingdom.” This, I think, she found very meaningful and helpful. Shirley died last week at the age of 79.

Melissa from Kansas

Hello Bro. Simpson

I have thought of you many times since your last email. Each time I have thought of you, I have called your name before the Lord. I have prayed for you many times for God to bless you, assist you, help you and comfort you. You have been a God send to my life and have helped me get through many difficulties. And, in many ways have saved my life from additional heartaches, turmoil, and snares. Your voice is very valuable in my life. I’m very grateful for you words, your ministry and your expertise in the spirit. I do not take you for granted and realize that your gifting is quite unique and not all can see as well as you. You have a depth in the spirit that I have not found in anyone else.

I just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you, calling your name before the throne of God, and have interceded for you. I want you to know that I care about what you’re going through and I appreciate you very much.

Take care.

Lisa from Georgia

Thank you so very much for this timely word.

It is encouraging to know inside after this scam that I will be welcomed with open arms to teach. Through the few days that I thought I would go to London. And speaking, I came up with all kinds of ideas and little revelations so it really helped me in the end. I really do want to help set people free and it is more important than any other things that are going on.

Thank you again for the word and God bless you. I pray that God gives you and Savannah even more peace and happiness in your hearts.

Bette from Canada

Aw, Brother Kent blessings to you.

Thank you for the word from God. May His name be praised, let love reign on our mortal bodies by His glorious spirit which he gives us. May you be truly blessed. You touch me from God more and more. I pray may I be humble in your presence always.

You are truly a man of God and may you be multiplied, amen.

DJ from Mississippi


Just wanted to say how much we appreciate you. You are a good friend and an awesome prophet! I thank God everyday for you. Your worth cannot be determined… it’s priceless. I would not trade learning from you for a million dollars. I can’t wait to live and work for you by His grace.

Brother Steven Millhorn

Dear Kent or Andrea,

I’ve enjoyed receiving the weekly messages. I’m sorry I cannot give financial support at this time. I too, am a minister, and sink my dollars into that, and an overseas Pastor in India… keep up the good work!