Prophesy Your Leap of Faith (Prophecy #7)

Prophesy Your Leap of Faith

Prophetic Ministries · Prophesy Your Leap Of Faith

Prophesy Your Leap of Faith

Prophecy#7 Series #24

We Will Overcome n/2020

Now is the time to make your Personal Prophetic Proclamation regarding the things you desire to see manifest in your life in 2021. Use the Faith I have Birthed within YOU to Prophesy what you need to Come to Pass.

You will see Your Words Become, MY WORDs, paving the way allowing you to walk in the fullness of what you have Prophesied by Faith. As your Prayers have been heard so shall you see the Power of Your Gifts begin to manifest in the coming year.

As your Prophecy is spoken more Prophetic Words shall begin to be formed in your Soul. Speak these words out loud even though you do not understand what they mean. These words shall not be known by mankind; however, Angels shall know what they mean and what they are commanded to perform!

Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of ANGELs, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the Gift of Prophecy, and Understand all Mysteries and all Knowledge, and though I Have All Faith, so that I Could Remove Mountains, but have not LOVE, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-2 NKJV).

Prophesy by Faith:

Everyone has a measure of Faith; however, not everyone knows how to use the Faith they have received.

When you look into the rear-view mirror of your past what do you see? What have you become? Do you see Me in your past? What all have I in you accomplished?

The knowledge you receive from this test will give you the ability to determine the measure of your Faith. And how much Faith you have. Do you want to increase the measure of your Faith? Then Trust Me even when it seems silly to do what I ask of you.

Faith of a Prophet & Faith of an Apostle:

The Faith of the Prophet is different than the Faith of an Apostle. You can know what office you are called by the way I have led you through the multiple twist and turns in your life.

A Prophet’s Faith comes by the word or unction imparted into their spirit. The Prophet can only walk in signs and wonders when they are told or shown what to say or do. A Prophet’s Faith comes as they are called to minister G3D’s Prophetic Word.

Whereas the Faith of an Apostle is an ongoing springboard of events branded into their Soul (Mind).

The Apostle’s Faith comes from the visions that are downloaded into their soul.

The Apostle’s Faith is a life-long quest, and their Faith is given on demand as they work toward bringing their G3D given vision to fruition.

Apostolic Scriptures:

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7 NKJV).

It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 12:1 NKJV).

Apostle Paul’s Prophecy:

Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.

But the Lord said to him, ‘Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.

And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, ‘Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’ Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized</em>” (Acts 9:13-18 NKJV).

Prophet’s Scriptures:

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us Prophesy in Proportion to our Faith” (Romans 12:6 NKJV)

So then Faith comes by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of G3D” (Romans 10:17 NKJV).

And so we have the Prophetic Word Confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that NO Prophecy of Scripture is of any Private Interpretation” (2 Peter 1:19-20 NKJV)

Now is the time to make your Personal Prophetic Proclamation regarding the things you desire to see manifest in your life in 2021. Use the Faith I have Birthed within YOU to Prophesy what you need to Come to Pass.

You will see Your Words Become, MY WORDs, paving the way allowing you to walk in the fullness of what you have Prophesied by Faith. As your Prayers have been heard so shall you see the Power of Your Gifts begin to manifest in the coming year.

As your Prophecy is spoken more Prophetic Words shall begin to be formed in your Soul. Speak these words out loud even though you do not understand what they mean. These words shall not be known by mankind; however, Angels shall know what they mean and what they are commanded to perform!

Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of ANGELs, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the Gift of Prophecy, and Understand all Mysteries and all Knowledge, and though I Have All Faith, so that I Could Remove Mountains, but have not LOVE, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-2 NKJV).

Shall I Send a Famine? (Prophecy #6)

Shall I Send a Famine?

Prophetic Ministries · Shall I Send A Famine

Shall I Send a Famine?

Prophecy #6 Series #24

‘We Will Overcome n/2020

The Art of Listening:

          Are you paying attention to your pears when they speak to you? Do you focus on what your teachers and pastors say to you?

          The Holy Scriptures you have read; but do you take My Words to heart? It is important you do what I have asked of you; or does really matter?

          If you do not hear My Words when it is preached or prophesied how can I trust you to heed My Words if I speak to you directly?

          Can you remember the last thing that was said to you?

It is Written:

          “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord (your) G3D, “That I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord. (Amos 8:11 NKJV)

It is Written:

          But He, (Jesus) answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of G3D’” (Matthew 4:4 NKJV).

A Financial Storm is Coming:

          Those who have an Ear to Hear shall travel a Path of Prosperity. If they are found to be Faithful and Obey My Prophetic Words more shall be added to their gains.

          What I desire to do is shift the Wealth of the Wicked into the hands of My Righteous Remnant. Those whom I can Trust to Obey My Voice Will Reap a Whirlwind of Increase.

          As the Financial Tornadoes roar through the lands Mounds of Wealth will become like Sand picked and thrown all around. In the midst of these storms the skies will part for My Angelic Host to descend with My Message in Hand. These messages will be delivered to My Appointed Vessels who serve to be My Voice in your lands. Hear them for their Words are My Words.

          Do you have Faith to believe My Words? If so, then your Works will Prove your Faith is Not Dead, for you did what was said. It is not enough to hear Me. The Doers of My Word are the True Believers. Their rewards will rise like Financial Towers. These Strong Columns will represent My Power on Earth turning the markets into Grace and Favor for My people.

It is Written:

          “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous” (Proverbs 13:22 NKJV).

His Spirit Fell Upon All Flesh:

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says G3D,
That I will Pour out of My Spirit on ALL FLESH;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy” (Acts 2:17-18 NKJV).

Spiritual Gifts Do Not Save YOU!

          “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV).

The Authority in His Word:

          “He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me” (Luke 10:16 NKJV).

Things to Come (Prophecy #5)

Things to Come

Prophetic Ministries · Prophetic Word to the Youth of a War-Torn Nation


Prophecy from August 1999


A rekindling of rage, an ultimate war will begin between Muslim nations and Israel people. The new ministers of Israel will grate on the Muslim leaders sparking a period of retaliation upon the Jewish people worldwide.

A younger generation of Christians will begin to turn the course of this (USA) nation into the wind of God’s spirit creating a hunger in all of God’s people establishing the pace for the church involvement in government affairs.

From this generation of young Christians, God will raise up a strong alliance of God-fearing Senators, Congressmen, and Governors being the majority in the House, Senate and State.


Our next Commander and Chief will be the coral spring that will catapult this Christian revolution. This Commander and Chief-to-be will not voice his plans of implementing stronger church rights with ultimate power to be assertive in all levels of government. He will remain silent on the issues that will label him as a Christian crusader, however, when he is secured in the highest government office, he will ignite the tempers of liberals and anti-Christian groups.

He will draw a line in the spiritual dirt of evil. The majority of Christians will sweep away the immoral “people’s freedom.”

The loose-minded will be deafened by the cry of God’s people for nationalized Christian reform. One by one the angel of death will take out those who stand for immoral rights. Leaders of all shades of darkness shall be placed under conviction one last time before entering their eternal damnation. More testimonies of those who have seen heaven and hell will be shared on national television.

Where once the main thought of evolution was fact, it will soon become a myth being replaced with more evidences in the teaching of God’s creation. The schools shall surely become the breeding ground for Christianity, impregnating the spirit of God into the young leaders and nurtured by God’s appointed servants disciplining these young warriors with the meat of God’s word.


Like the high-tide swells, great wealth shall begin to come into the hands of Christian business leaders. Revelations, inventions and high tech ideas will be birth in the hearts of those who walk in righteousness, placing the economic control in the camps of those who are trustworthy to expand God’s kingdom.

The church will see a change in leadership transferring the ruling rod to the apostles and prophets commissioned to rebuild the church on the foundation of Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone. With this change a strong bridge of alliance will be built between the church and government. In that day, we will see apostles and prophets walking with high-ranking government officials noted as the eyes and ears of our new revolutionized nation. These things the Lord has shared with me this day. May we pray and be blessed in it.

Prophecy to the Youth of a War-Torn Nation (Prophecy #4)

Prophecy to the Youth of a War-Torn Nation

Prophetic Ministries · Prophetic Word to the Youth of a War-Torn Nation

Prophetic Word
to the
Youth of This War-Torn Nation
August 1999
Posted on November 30, 2000

You are very special in many ways; do not feel that you have been dealt a bad hand. You were born into a time frame of events that will sharply change the course of this Nation. Jesus knows what you, and the vast majority of your generation, are going through.

You are part of a special breed of godly people who are being placed in God’s winepress. He has allowed the world’s troubles to crush you, breaking the hard, outer skin in order to release the nectar of the Spirit’s best within. Making the most of this process, your generation alone will find His supernatural strength and power to re-frame this country, drawing it back to a God-fearing nation.

You will establish a new protocol for the churches and create a new internal governing structure. From your heart, you will institute a network of believers who will care for its own from the womb to the tomb. From “the womb to the tomb care” means that your compassion will arise as you see the need for the Church to step up and help the people within their congregations, from the time they are in their mother’s womb till the time they are in the grave. Where the government has not helped and will not be able to, your generation will move the Church to take on the care that is needed.

Equipping its followers with the knowledge to become master builders of God’s chosen ones, you are being groomed to lead the people with its governing powers, obtaining the reigns to steer this nation back in the power of the Holy Spirit. I see the teachers within the aggressive church begin a method of taking their young children and showing them systematically how to be good people, people of solid moral values, as well as teaching them the ways God deals with us on a personal level, creating a relationship with HIM.

Your personal involvement will be on the cutting-edge as you are God’s special instruments of praise and power evangelism. Through a direct connection with various ministries and churches, your voice of encouragement will build and bond an army of godly people.

Your life may seem in shambles now, but when you go through the turnaround God has planned, you will find yourself looking into the rearview mirror of your past, knowing God has created you for such a time as this. Your joy is not lost, but temporarily misplaced until He releases a greater flow of His magnificent grace. Then, you will step into the place God has so wonderfully created just for you.
About the author: Kent Simpson is a prophetic pastor and is the founder and senior pastor of Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle a gathering place for the prophetic people of God to unite for the sole purpose of being used as vessels for the Holy Spirit to speak through. Prophetic Ministries Today is devoted to the truth that Jesus is not dead but alive and He speaks if you have an ear to hear the Spirit. His website is filled with prophetic teachings which will help you understand the process of “hearing” God for yourself as well as others. The Lord wants you to pray, hear, and obey Him because the Holy Spirit is the only One who can truthfully lead you into the abundant life Jesus promised us.

For thirty-plus years, Kent faithfully tended the vision that is the Prophetic Tabernacle which he is building now that will serve generations of the Kingdom to come. Now, he offers prophetic personal ministry only through his website. To receive notifications of when those are offered, join PMT’s email list through his website link below. Further, Kent Simpson is an apostolic prophet who has been preparing the body of Christ to operate in a whole new era. Below are his books Called Out by God which helps believers make the shift from spectator-Christianity into the Spiritual Army Father created them to be, and What’s Your Angel’s Name? which assists believers to understand and to work with the angelic realm Father provided (available on Amazon).

Prophet Kent Simpson
Prophetic Ministries Today
The School of Prophetic Knowledge

Prophetic Ministries Today

For more lesson’s select Prophetic Teaching or go to our Media Store for Video Lessons or our Podcast Page for those who are learning on the move. Check us out at you’ll be blessed for doing so.

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Amazon Books by Prophet Kent Simpson
Called Out by God
What’s Your Angel’s Name

YouTube Videos; Prophetic Ministries Today
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COVID-19 Who’s to Blame? (Prophecy #3)

COVID-19 Who’s to Blame?

Prophetic Ministries · COVID – 19 Who’s to Blame?

Talk of War

1. Tensions are at their highest as the blame game continues between the USA and China. Thugs on both sides rattling their sabers flashing warning signs demanding the other to back down and accept the blame. Loss of life and trillions of dollars are at stake in this quarrel between two super-powers.

A Deadly Game in Play

2. Before weapons are drawn G3D will bring into the light the 3 main players responsible for the loss of all these lives and financial ruin. You see China, the Dragon, does not always lie, they just speak half-truths. Oh, they truly have breathed into the fire that started it all; however, they are not totally at fault. They hold 3 major cards yet to be played. On each card is the face of a prominent player who will ultimately be charged. Surprisingly, these 3 faces are American’s who set COVID-19 into motion. They and the Dragon had equal motives to play this horrible game.

Their Purposes and Motives

3. Cripple the economy, Stop the elections, Create havoc to cover-up political crimes, Release evil prisoners while making convicts out of honest hard-working people, Deliver despair, Stop the freedom rallies, Implement a vaccine that creates human time-bombs, Feed their fixation to control the population; who live and who die, and Shut down the Churches.

Tower of Babel and One World Government

4. Do you see their modus operandi? They desire to control everyone starting with the Nation of the Free and home of the brave. If they can take your freedom then everyone will be forced to speak the same language and you’ll have to agree with their plans or be eradicated.

A Prophecy with Teeth (Prophecy #2)

A Prophecy with Teeth

Prophetic Ministries · A Prophecy With Teeth

Prayer to Prophecy I Do Declare:

Many are unaware of the danger that threatens their Nation. “People are like sheep;” they say, as if they are easy to manipulate. What they do not know is The I AM is your Shepard, and you My Sheep hear My voice, and will tell you what to do.
Therefore, continue to Pray as if you are deaf to the sounds rising up from the Earth. In your quite place you will not give thought or care to the things of this World. As you pray, suddenly your prayers will turn into prophesies. As you speak what you hear from afar your Prophetic Words will be loosed on Earth and fulfill what has been bound and proclaimed in Heaven above.
Therefore, Pray, Hear & Obey and your words will be done on Earth as it has been declared from Heaven above.

We declare and decree that we sheep belong to our Shepard, the Lord Jesus Christ and we will not be manipulated by those who threaten our Nation. We hear His voice and He instructs us what to do. We will continue to pray amid the storms that arise in the earth being at peace as our focus stays on the Lord. And G3D will fill our prayers with prophesies to speak on Earth in agreement with what is spoken in Heaven. All these things we declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The Worms Squirm:

These Worms are small but deadly. They are children of the Snake, from which they have come. Worms like the dark places they call it their home. They do what they want, to whomever they so choose.
Worms believe My Sheep are too stupid to know how low they can really go. Blinded by their arrogance they cannot see that you really know what they are up too. So, when you pray give an ear to Me and I will tell you what to say.
Remember, your Prophecy will have TEETH. It’s time to protect what your kind believe. Take back what freedoms they plan to take from you. Each time you Pray, Prophecy and Declare over the Worms, they’ll helplessly try to squirm away; however, what you have done is plowed the ground where they play. Your words are My Words it’s time to unearth their secret place.
Nothing shall be hidden from you, who pray and give an ear My way. If you use what you hear, then I will give you more. The more you use My Prophetic Word, then more shall be given to you until, there is nothing more to say.

We declare and decree those who are working in darkness, trying to manipulate and control behind the scenes, who think no one is wise to their evil schemes, will suddenly be exposed to the light, their evil plans and hidden agendas will be laid bare for all the world to see. The enemies of our nation will not steal our freedoms, they will not gain the upper hand, all their attempts will fail and are rendered powerless and ineffective. This nation will be a nation for G3D and for freedom. All these things we declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Have You Noticed that I AM Involved?

You do understand that Trump is My man, whom I have selected. You, who have a measure of spiritual intuitiveness have witnessed Me helping him behind the scenes. Exposing the Evil Doers as they falsely proclaim all he has supposedly done wrong.
Listen to what the Mad Media, Murders, Liars and Thieves continue to report. Telling without any truth crimes he has committed. What they are really doing is confessing their own foul deeds. They say; “Frame him guilty for the crimes we have committed before he blames us for the things we have done.” This is what they report without shame. Can you see now, no matter what they try to do I have continually exposed them. Over and over again with their own words they have condemn themselves.

We declare and decree that G3D has put President Trump in the White House to come against the plans of evil doers trying to come against our nation and steal our freedoms. All the lies being told about President Trump, package as truth, will be exposed for the lies they are, the truth will be revealed, and those telling these lies will be exposed for the evil doers they are and the agendas they are pushing behind the scenes. Every lie and every evil plan, G3D will cause to be exposed and they will be caught by their own words. All these things we declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Now’s the Time for You to Chime In:

I’ll will take care of your Leader, but it’s time for you to Chime In, for you are very instrumental in My Prophetic Orchestra. Your voice will move Heaven and Earth to save the Church keeping your freedom from those who thirst for total power over you.
Now, step-up and receive this powerful anointing today, for today is the beginning of the end for those who want to put you in chains. Making you and your children’s, children slaves in their plan for domination over your Nation.
As I anointed the ones who changed the world in 1776. I now pour out from Heaven above a new fragrance of My knowledge that will empower you to speak boldly. Your prayers will turn into Prophesy. You will Prophesy things that are impossible to manifest. However, without doubt in your heart you will know the Prophetic Words that cross your lips will destroy Our enemies within your Nation.

We declare and decree that G3D is anointing us to come against those who seek to steel our freedom. He will teach us His knowledge that will empower us to speak boldly. He will fill our lips with prophetic words that will seem impossible to happen, but with G3D all things are possible and we will trust, not doubting, that the words we have spoken will destroy the enemies in our nation. All these things we declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Foreign National & The Commander & Chief:

Pressing toward the 11th month, tensions will grow red hot in the U.S. of A.
After all attempts have been made, unsuccessfully to reverse the People’s Choice the Heathens & Evil Doers, who are many in number, will be told to use their final plan.
They will call out The Dark Shadow, a Foreign National who will hover over his marked man. Donald’s trigger has been called and death has been told.
I will allow their plan to unfold as it has been told; however, I will send a Bright Light to expose The Dark Shadow. At the very moment he pulls the trigger the Bright Light comes out from nowhere and blinds the Foreign National causing his mark to miss its target.
The Train will continue on track as if nothing ever happened. All the way it will travel until back into the House from which it came.
So Be It! Amen

We declare and decree that the enemy’s attempts to prevent President Donald Trump from being voted back into office will fail along with their plans to cause harm to the President of the United States. We declare divine protection over President Trump that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. All attempts to cause President Trump harm, though planned in secret, will be thwarted in G3D’s perfect timing; and President Trump will be back in the White House to serve for a second term as if nothing ever happened. All these things we declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

We declare and decree that the truth behind the evil intentions of the corona virus will be exposed to all; and that those in our nation who conspired with others to cause harm to the United States using this virus, will also be exposed, and the truth of their evil intentions will be made known to all. All these things we declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The World Upside Down (Prophecy #1)

The World Upside Down

Prophetic Ministries · The World Upside Down

The World Upside Down

What G3D said; 10-13-2019

Lesson #1 Series #24

“We Will Overcome”

We begin our Prophetic Journey by learning the Thoughts and Ways of our G3D and His Prophetic Words. It all began in the middle of October, 2019; His Prophetic Words started permeating my soul filling me with strange and unbelievable things that were about to take place.

Many times, over my 32 years prophesying to thousands of individuals I have learned things about our G3D that has stretched me into the greater depths spiritually. He wants His people to learn and experience Him in real time. Thousands of you who have received prophesies and prophetic words with impartations of spiritual gifts and appointment of angels from our G3D understand what I am saying. I too have learned more about Him as a vessel He has used over the decades to speak through. I can’t count the number of times I have said; “I have learned more about our G3D doing prophesies than I could have learned from tens of thousands of preachers and teachers.”

With that said; it is only right for you to begin learnings how G3D thinks and what ways He will use to guide us through the days ahead. As we begin this Prophetic Quest, we will see in advance the things that are ahead of us. He will reveal what our enemies are planning next. He will be the lamp before our feet, He will not allow us to be blinded by the evil doers of this world. G3D is saying; “Come and follow Me and I will show you how We Will Overcome the works of our enemies.”

Prophet Kent Simpson

Prophetic Ministries Today

The School of Prophetic Knowledge

Prophetic Ministries Today

For more lesson’s select Prophetic Teaching or go to our Media Store for Video Lessons or our Podcast Page for those who are learning on the move. Check us out at you’ll be blessed for doing so.
Have Questions? Email;
Amazon Books by Prophet Kent Simpson
Called Out by God
What’s Your Angel’s Name

YouTube Videos; Prophetic Ministries Today
*Please Subscribe & Like

*G3D -symbolism meaning: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. G3D all 3 in One; Only 1 GOD.

Article Notes

The World Upside Down


‘We Will Overcome’

I can’t count the number of times I have said; “I have learned more about our G3D doing prophesies for others than I could have learned from tens of thousands of preachers and teachers.”
With that said; it is only right for you to begin learnings how G3D thinks and what ways He will use to guide us through the days ahead. As we begin this Prophetic Quest, we will see in advance the things that are ahead of us. He will reveal what our enemies are planning next. He will be the lamp before our feet, He will not allow us to be blinded by the evil doers of this world. G3D is saying; “Come and follow Me and I will show you how We Will Overcome the works of our enemies.

We Will Overcome

We Will Overcome

Prophetic Ministries · Trust And Obey

The Year of Our Lord 2020

“Weekly Prophetic Proclamations”

Introduction to Series #24

‘We Will Overcome in 2020’

We’re going to look back at the past few months leading up to the Corona Virus outbreak. We will see what parts of the Prophetic Word have come to pass and what still remains to manifest.

On October 13, 2019, during our Sunday Broadcast G3D began to draw out of me the words He previously had downloaded in me just couple of days prior. My experience in receiving His Prophetic Word is as powerful today as when I delivered it.

A Prophetic Word from G3D Should Contain 3 Points Before being Delivered.
1. Releasing the Prophetic Word?
2. Why is G3D Allowing This to Happen?
3. What Should We Do to Be Safe?

We have a number of Prophetic Words to Process. So, let us get started! Join us each Sunday and see what our G3D has been speaking to His Prophets. If you miss the program don’t worry, you can listen to anyone of our 6 podcast locations or various video postings. Scroll down this page to find the links to our various platforms to hear what G3D is Saying Today!

What G3D Said: October 13, 2019

Next: #1 Releasing what is coming?
What our G3D said October 13, 2019

God’s wrath; “Short List of Judgements”

G3D has Spoken, What Was Coming & More ….
1. “From the bowels of the ill repute; a new strand of viruses is being released directly to those who have inappropriate sexual partners.”

1. When was Corona Virus released?
Only China knows the exact date but they are not saying; however, through social media it was leaked out on November 28, 2019. Immediately, President Trump banned all flights coming into the U.S.A. from China. Also, Europe shortly discovered 5,000 Chinese’s citizens had been flown in from the center of the virus outbreak.

2. Where was the first case of the coronavirus disease identified?
The first human cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19, subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 were first reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019. (,strain%20discovered%20in%202019.)

3. Were flights from other countries band from entering the US?
March 12, 2020; President Donald Trump announced sweeping travel restrictions on 26 European countries in a bid to combat the spread of the coronavirus. (

It is Written; (Romans 1:22-32 NKJV)

Next: #2 Why is G3D allowing it to happen?
It is Written: (Romans 1:22-32 NKJV)

“Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible G3D into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.”
“Therefore, G3D also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of G3D for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”
“For this reason, G3D gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.”
“Likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”
“And even as they did not like to retain G3D in their knowledge, G3D gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of G3D, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of G3D, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.”

Who Needs to Be Aware of the Curse?

Next: #3 What Should We Do to Be Safe?
Questions & Answers

Warning: to all who accept, associate or endorse those who practice inappropriate sexual activity.
Transmission of this virus will be difficult to trace in the beginning; therefore, infecting many without warning.
Approximately 1% of the world’s population will fall victim to this new virus within the first 2 years.

What Types of Inappropriate Sexual Activity is G3D Referring too?

1. Satanic Ritual Abuse
2. Sexual Abuse of Children
3. Unnatural Use of the Human body
4. Bestiality
5. Murdering the Born & Unborn

What Man Created to Empowered these Devils?

A. Sexual Enhancement Medication & Media
1. ED Pills
a. Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and more
2. Testosterone Injections
b. Sexual Enhancement, Muscle Growth
3. Mind Altering Drugs
c. Methamphetamine, Psychoactive, Date Rape Drugs
4. Neurological Enhancers
d. Sexually Driven Programs,

Article Notes

One cannot change the past, but one can ruin the present by worrying over the future. Worry is the sin we’re not afraid to commit. Worry happens when we assume responsibility G3D never intended us to have.

We’re going to look back at the past few months leading up to the Corona Virus Outbreak. We will see what parts of the Prophetic Word have come to pass and what still remains to manifest.

On October 13, 2019, during our Sunday Broadcast G3D began to draw out of me the words He previously had downloaded in me just couple of days prior. My experience in receiving His Prophetic Word is as powerful today as when I delivered it.

A Prophetic Word from G3D Should Contain 3 Points Before being Delivered.
1. Releasing the Prophetic Word?
2. Why is G3D Allowing This to Happen?
3. What Should We Do to Be Safe?
We have a number of Prophetic Words to Process. So, let us get started! Join us each week and hear what our G3D has been speaking to His Prophets.

You do NOT want to miss any one of these programs. So, be sure to Like & Subscribe to The School of Prophetic Knowledge and hear what G3D is Saying Today!

Prophet Kent Simpson
Prophetic Ministries Today
School of Prophetic Knowledge

Prophetic Ministries Today

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Amazon Books by Prophet Kent Simpson:
Called Out by G3D
What’s Your Angel’s Name
YouTube; Prophetic Ministries Today
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*G3D -symbolism meaning: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. G3D is all 3 in One; Only 1 GOD.