Wonders in the Heavens

Wonders in the Heavens


Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles-Shekinah: Wonders in the Wilderness

Though the word Shekinah does not exist in the Bible, it’s concept that God chooses sacred places to dwell and display His Glory shows up extensively in the Holy Scriptures. God’s Presence and Glory still manifests itself in spectacularly similar ways today.

As the Israelites fled Egypt, they were led by God as a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night (ref. Genesis 13: 21-22). This allowed them to travel continuously, but possibly also provided cool cover against the oppressive desert heat and light for their travels through the darkness, comfort against the cold desert nights, and protection from attacks from wild animals.

When the Israelites reached the banks of the sea, they were confronted by Pharaoh and his entire chariot fleet, which had been pursuing them. As the Egyptian military marched towards the people who were pinned against the water, the Israelites cried out to Moses asking why he would lead them out of Egypt, just to die in the Wilderness. Moses was not afraid, and calmed their fears explaining that The Lord’s Salvation would be seen that day and the Egyptian military would be miraculously defeated by God’s Hand (ref. Exodus 14: 1-13)

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still!

God instructed Moses to lift his rod and stretch his hand over the sea, which caused a strong wind to divide the waters into walls on either side of the dry land, that the Israelites could safely walk across, with the pillar of fire and of cloud now trailing them and standing as a barrier between them and the Egyptian chariots throughout the night (Exodus 14: 14-20).

Despite the awesome sight of God’s Glory manifesting as a pillar of fire and cloud standing guard against them, the Egyptian military still pursued the Israelites into the midst of the sea. In the morning, He looked on the Egyptians and caused confusion in their camps, tore the wheels from their chariots, and handicapped the technologies they took their greatest pride in. They recognized that all their vehicles and weapons of war could not stand against God and shouted amongst the chaos “Let us get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt!” (ref. Exodus 14: 21-25).

But, it was too late, Moses again raised his hand and the sea collapsed upon them and “saved Israel that day out of the hands of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore… and the people feared and believed the Lord and His Servant Moses” (ref. Exodus 14: 26-31)

While they were wandering the Wilderness, they came across Mount Sinai and made camp at the base of the mountain. The Lord told Moses that he wanted Israel to be “My Kingdom of Priests and My Holy Nation” and would visit them in three days, giving them instructions to clean and consecrate themselves before God presented Himself (ref. Exodus 19: 5-11).

And on the third day, in the morning, because the Lord descended on the mountain as fire, Mount Sinai was enveloped by thunder and lightning and a thick cloud, like the smoke from a furnace. The sound of a loud trumpet pierced the air as the whole mountain shook violently, causing all the people in the camp to shudder and tremble (ref. Exodus 19:16-19). This thundering, lightning, sound of the trumpet and smoke coming from the mountain terrified the people and they stood far away, asking Moses to speak to them, fearing that if God spoke directly to them, they would die. But Moses explained that God did not intend to hurt them, but only test them so they would respect His Power and prevent them from sinning (ref. Exodus 20: 18-20).

On the first day of the first month, the Israelites erected the Tabernacle but Moses was not able to enter because a cloud covered the tent of congregation and the Glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. When God’s Presence was manifested as His Cloud of Smoke by day and Fire by night over His Tabernacle, the House of Israel took it as a sign that that was where they should stay and camp, but when the Cloud was removed from that place they were to follow it to their new location (ref. Exodus 40: 34-38).

As the Israelites escaped out of Egypt, God not only gave them direction, but actively delivered them comfort and protection as a pillar of smoke providing them shade from the scorching sun and as a pillar of fire granting them light in the darkness, warmth from the cold, and security from the beasts of the desert. When Pharaoh continued to pursue them, God even manifested Himself between the charging military and His People, creating a barrier so they could not harm the Israelites.

The fleeing Israelites were not prepared to confront the pursuing Egyptian chariots, but it was God’s intention that they rely on Him to provide protection against the World’s fiercest military force. God’s Power to bring the most powerful nation to its knees had been demonstrated throughout the Ten Plagues and God broke their plans, their spirits, and their weaponry to further cement the fact that no one can hurt those under His Providence.

The same great displays of Glory which are meant to stand as a testament to God’s enemies that He is All-Powerful, serve as a reminder to His People that we are to love and respect Him and not sin against Him.

We must also be sensitive to His Presence and constantly mindful of where and how His Power is manifesting. Even if we are comfortable where we are currently, we must move to where He is directing us if we desire to experience the fullness of His Blessings and Glory.

God’s Glory provides guidance and protection to His People, vengeance against those who wish to do us evil, reminds us of why we lovingly serve him, and leads us throughout our travels to continue to do His Will. We are excited to see how He will manifest and show His Glory.

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Shekinah: Wonders in the Wilderness

Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles-Signs of Things to Come

Though the word Shekinah does not exist in the Bible, it’s concept that God chooses sacred places to dwell and display His Glory shows up extensively in the Holy Scriptures. God’s Presence and Glory still manifests itself in spectacularly similar ways today.

As the Israelites fled Egypt, they were led by God as a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night (ref. Genesis 13: 21-22). This allowed them to travel continuously, but possibly also provided cool cover against the oppressive desert heat and light for their travels through the darkness, comfort against the cold desert nights, and protection from attacks from wild animals.

When the Israelites reached the banks of the sea, they were confronted by Pharaoh and his entire chariot fleet, which had been pursuing them. As the Egyptian military marched towards the people who were pinned against the water, the Israelites cried out to Moses asking why he would lead them out of Egypt, just to die in the Wilderness. Moses was not afraid, and calmed their fears explaining that The Lord’s Salvation would be seen that day and the Egyptian military would be miraculously defeated by God’s Hand (ref. Exodus 14: 1-13)

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still!

God instructed Moses to lift his rod and stretch his hand over the sea, which caused a strong wind to divide the waters into walls on either side of the dry land, that the Israelites could safely walk across, with the pillar of fire and of cloud now trailing them and standing as a barrier between them and the Egyptian chariots throughout the night (Exodus 14: 14-20).

Despite the awesome sight of God’s Glory manifesting as a pillar of fire and cloud standing guard against them, the Egyptian military still pursued the Israelites into the midst of the sea. In the morning, He looked on the Egyptians and caused confusion in their camps, tore the wheels from their chariots, and handicapped the technologies they took their greatest pride in. They recognized that all their vehicles and weapons of war could not stand against God and shouted amongst the chaos “Let us get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt!” (ref. Exodus 14: 21-25).

But, it was too late, Moses again raised his hand and the sea collapsed upon them and “saved Israel that day out of the hands of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore… and the people feared and believed the Lord and His Servant Moses” (ref. Exodus 14: 26-31)

While they were wandering the Wilderness, they came across Mount Sinai and made camp at the base of the mountain. The Lord told Moses that he wanted Israel to be “My Kingdom of Priests and My Holy Nation” and would visit them in three days, giving them instructions to clean and consecrate themselves before God presented Himself (ref. Exodus 19: 5-11).

And on the third day, in the morning, because the Lord descended on the mountain as fire, Mount Sinai was enveloped by thunder and lightning and a thick cloud, like the smoke from a furnace. The sound of a loud trumpet pierced the air as the whole mountain shook violently, causing all the people in the camp to shudder and tremble (ref. Exodus 19:16-19). This thundering, lightning, sound of the trumpet and smoke coming from the mountain terrified the people and they stood far away, asking Moses to speak to them, fearing that if God spoke directly to them, they would die. But Moses explained that God did not intend to hurt them, but only test them so they would respect His Power and prevent them from sinning (ref. Exodus 20: 18-20).

On the first day of the first month, the Israelites erected the Tabernacle but Moses was not able to enter because a cloud covered the tent of congregation and the Glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. When God’s Presence was manifested as His Cloud of Smoke by day and Fire by night over His Tabernacle, the House of Israel took it as a sign that that was where they should stay and camp, but when the Cloud was removed from that place they were to follow it to their new location (ref. Exodus 40: 34-38).

As the Israelites escaped out of Egypt, God not only gave them direction, but actively delivered them comfort and protection as a pillar of smoke providing them shade from the scorching sun and as a pillar of fire granting them light in the darkness, warmth from the cold, and security from the beasts of the desert. When Pharaoh continued to pursue them, God even manifested Himself between the charging military and His People, creating a barrier so they could not harm the Israelites.

The fleeing Israelites were not prepared to confront the pursuing Egyptian chariots, but it was God’s intention that they rely on Him to provide protection against the World’s fiercest military force. God’s Power to bring the most powerful nation to its knees had been demonstrated throughout the Ten Plagues and God broke their plans, their spirits, and their weaponry to further cement the fact that no one can hurt those under His Providence.

The same great displays of Glory which are meant to stand as a testament to God’s enemies that He is All-Powerful, serve as a reminder to His People that we are to love and respect Him and not sin against Him.

We must also be sensitive to His Presence and constantly mindful of where and how His Power is manifesting. Even if we are comfortable where we are currently, we must move to where He is directing us if we desire to experience the fullness of His Blessings and Glory.

God’s Glory provides guidance and protection to His People, vengeance against those who wish to do us evil, reminds us of why we lovingly serve him, and leads us throughout our travels to continue to do His Will. We are excited to see how He will manifest and show His Glory.

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Signs are Pieces to God’s Puzzle

Signs are Pieces to God’s Puzzle


Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles: Signs of Things to Come

The signs God gave to Moses through the Burning Bush, and later to the Israelites, were forerunners to the Ten Plagues and freedom from slavery in Egypt. Likewise, God sends signs to prepare His Followers, before He begins to move.

While Moses was tending his father-in-law, Jethro’s flocks on the far side of the wilderness, Moses came across Horeb, the Mountain of God, where he first saw the renowned Burning Bush. But, desert shrubs that had caught on fire due to the extreme heat was not a rare occurrence in that region. The fact that the bush was not consumed, despite being engulfed by flames, was such a curious and strange sight, that Moses chose to investigate it.

As Moses approached closer, God called out to him from within the bush, imploring him to take off his sandals as he was standing on holy ground. After introducing Himself as “the God of your father, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob”, Moses hid his face, terrified to look at God. The Lord explained how He had heard the Israelites pleas and prayers and was preparing to take them out of Egypt and bring them to the Promised Land, and Moses was going to lead this mission.

Moses had spent the past forty years tending sheep in the land of Midian, which had humbled him from the man who took justice into his own hands and murdered an Egyptian slave driver who was beating a fellow Hebrew (ref. Exodus 2: 11-12). Even after fleeing Egypt, Moses valiantly came to the rescue of the priest of Midian’s daughters, when they had been chased away from the well by some rough shepherds. Once a champion for the Hebrews and those in distress, Moses questioned “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11).

God explained that He would be with Moses when he confronted Pharaoh, and established that when the people had been brought out of Egypt, that they would worship God on the mountain. This would be the sign to Moses that it was God who had sent him.

Though Moses had received a sign of God through the burning bush, he doubted whether the Israelite people would trust his story, asking “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?

The Lord instructed Moses to throw the staff in his hand on the ground, which became a snake that Moses ran away from. The Lord further instructed Moses to reach out his hand and take the snake by the tail, and it turned back into a staff in his hand. “This,” God illuminated, “is so they will believe that the Lord, the God of their Fathers-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-had appeared to you.

Moses was further directed to place his hand into his cloak and when he took it out, the skin had become leprous and white as snow. God told Moses to place his hand in his cloak again, and after pulling his hand out, it was restored.

God informed Moses that if the people did not believe him or “hearken the voice of the first sign”, they would “believe the voice of the latter sign”.

If they would still not believe after these first two signs, then Moses was to take water from the river and pour it upon dry land and the water would become blood.

Moses still did not feel as though he was qualified for such an important role and cried out “I am not eloquent; but am slow of speech and slow of tongue. Please pardon your servant and send someone else.

Though His anger was kindled against Moses, God allowed for Moses’ brother Aaron to serve as his spokesman. God told Aaron to go into the wilderness to meet Moses at the Mount of God, where Moses told Aaron everything the Lord had instructed him to say and all the signs he was to do. They gathered all the elders of the Children of Israel together and Aaron spoke the words God had revealed to Moses and performed the signs and they believed (ref. Exodus 4).

God often decides to present His Signs through those who seem unworthy due to their low status, past mistakes, or lack of natural abilities. Moses was slow of speech, a murderer, and now a lowly shepherd, who had fallen from the heights of an Egyptian prince. But these obstacles perfectly direct people towards God rather than the messenger.

God demonstrated His unlimited Creativity and Power through His Signs to Moses. God took a typical event and made it extraordinary as seen with the burning bush not being consumed by the flames. God’s signs can be terrifying and cause terror in observers’ hearts as Moses ran from his staff which had been transformed into a snake. God’s signs can even affect his messengers and their lives, but God will restore them if it gives Him Glory as demonstrated with Moses’ hand becoming leprous and then being healed. God can bend the rules of nature in any way He desires as seen through the ultimatum sign of the water cast on land being turned into blood.

God understands that many people need multiple signs before they will believe and provides accordingly. Pharaoh would later require ten plagues to truly recognize God’s Greatness and most of the Pharisees and Sadducees ignored and overlook hundreds if not thousands of Christ’s miracles.

Because He is eternal, He even provides signs for us to look forward to, just like the future signal to Moses that God had sent him, when the Israelites would worship on the same mount after they had been freed from Egypt.

While God spoke directly to Moses, it was through the Voice of His Signs, that God spoke to His People.

Though we are often excitedly waiting for miracles, God always provides precursors through His Signs to let us know what to expect. The signs to the Israelites were meant to prepare the hearts and mind of His People to know that God had heard their prayers and was fulfilling His Promise to bring them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. We are grateful for the signs God has already provided us regarding the future Campus, and are carefully watching for His future signs as He prepares His People to do His Will

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles-Signs of Things to Come

Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles-Signs of Things to Come

The signs God gave to Moses through the Burning Bush, and later to the Israelites, were forerunners to the Ten Plagues and freedom from slavery in Egypt. Likewise, God sends signs to prepare His Followers, before He begins to move.

While Moses was tending his father-in-law, Jethro’s flocks on the far side of the wilderness, Moses came across Horeb, the Mountain of God, where he first saw the renowned Burning Bush. But, desert shrubs that had caught on fire due to the extreme heat was not a rare occurrence in that region. The fact that the bush was not consumed, despite being engulfed by flames, was such a curious and strange sight, that Moses chose to investigate it.

As Moses approached closer, God called out to him from within the bush, imploring him to take off his sandals as he was standing on holy ground. After introducing Himself as “the God of your father, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob”, Moses hid his face, terrified to look at God. The Lord explained how He had heard the Israelites pleas and prayers and was preparing to take them out of Egypt and bring them to the Promised Land, and Moses was going to lead this mission.

Moses had spent the past forty years tending sheep in the land of Midian, which had humbled him from the man who took justice into his own hands and murdered an Egyptian slave driver who was beating a fellow Hebrew (ref. Exodus 2: 11-12). Even after fleeing Egypt, Moses valiantly came to the rescue of the priest of Midian’s daughters, when they had been chased away from the well by some rough shepherds. Once a champion for the Hebrews and those in distress, Moses questioned “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11).

God explained that He would be with Moses when he confronted Pharaoh, and established that when the people had been brought out of Egypt, that they would worship God on the mountain. This would be the sign to Moses that it was God who had sent him.

Though Moses had received a sign of God through the burning bush, he doubted whether the Israelite people would trust his story, asking “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?

The Lord instructed Moses to throw the staff in his hand on the ground, which became a snake that Moses ran away from. The Lord further instructed Moses to reach out his hand and take the snake by the tail, and it turned back into a staff in his hand. “This,” God illuminated, “is so they will believe that the Lord, the God of their Fathers-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-had appeared to you.

Moses was further directed to place his hand into his cloak and when he took it out, the skin had become leprous and white as snow. God told Moses to place his hand in his cloak again, and after pulling his hand out, it was restored.

God informed Moses that if the people did not believe him or “hearken the voice of the first sign”, they would “believe the voice of the latter sign”.

If they would still not believe after these first two signs, then Moses was to take water from the river and pour it upon dry land and the water would become blood.

Moses still did not feel as though he was qualified for such an important role and cried out “I am not eloquent; but am slow of speech and slow of tongue. Please pardon your servant and send someone else.

Though His anger was kindled against Moses, God allowed for Moses’ brother Aaron to serve as his spokesman. God told Aaron to go into the wilderness to meet Moses at the Mount of God, where Moses told Aaron everything the Lord had instructed him to say and all the signs he was to do. They gathered all the elders of the Children of Israel together and Aaron spoke the words God had revealed to Moses and performed the signs and they believed (ref. Exodus 4).

God often decides to present His Signs through those who seem unworthy due to their low status, past mistakes, or lack of natural abilities. Moses was slow of speech, a murderer, and now a lowly shepherd, who had fallen from the heights of an Egyptian prince. But these obstacles perfectly direct people towards God rather than the messenger.

God demonstrated His unlimited Creativity and Power through His Signs to Moses. God took a typical event and made it extraordinary as seen with the burning bush not being consumed by the flames. God’s signs can be terrifying and cause terror in observers’ hearts as Moses ran from his staff which had been transformed into a snake. God’s signs can even affect his messengers and their lives, but God will restore them if it gives Him Glory as demonstrated with Moses’ hand becoming leprous and then being healed. God can bend the rules of nature in any way He desires as seen through the ultimatum sign of the water cast on land being turned into blood.

God understands that many people need multiple signs before they will believe and provides accordingly. Pharaoh would later require ten plagues to truly recognize God’s Greatness and most of the Pharisees and Sadducees ignored and overlook hundreds if not thousands of Christ’s miracles.

Because He is eternal, He even provides signs for us to look forward to, just like the future signal to Moses that God had sent him, when the Israelites would worship on the same mount after they had been freed from Egypt.

While God spoke directly to Moses, it was through the Voice of His Signs, that God spoke to His People.

Though we are often excitedly waiting for miracles, God always provides precursors through His Signs to let us know what to expect. The signs to the Israelites were meant to prepare the hearts and mind of His People to know that God had heard their prayers and was fulfilling His Promise to bring them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. We are grateful for the signs God has already provided us regarding the future Campus, and are carefully watching for His future signs as He prepares His People to do His Will

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Supporting the Vision

Supporting the Vision

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Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles: Dovecote-Vision of the Tabernacle

The precise construction of the Tabernacle was so significant that its description and dimensions were explained multiple times to Moses and those building it. The Tabernacle was a complex project which required Prophet Moses and Chief Architect Bazelel to follow God’s exact specifications, a principle we must continue as God directs our steps during this new move.

After giving the Israelites a list of required materials to build the Tabernacle (ref. Exodus 25:1-7), God instructed Moses to “have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” insisting that they “make this Tabernacle and all its furnishing exactly like the pattern I will show you(Exodus 25:8-9).

Bazelel, Chief Architect of the Tabernacle, was also referred to as “Shobal” meaning “builder of the Dovecote”. Dovecotes were typically tall circular often domed structures, which were built to house pigeons and doves, which is fitting since “The Dovecote” was a common synonym for The Tabernacle, which housed the Holy Spirit. It is not a coincidence that the Holy Spirit manifested as a dove during Christ’s Baptism.

The inner covering of the Tabernacle was made up of ten finely woven linen curtains. Five curtains were interlaced with one another to form one half of the tent covering which were connected by loops to the other half which also consisted of five interlaced curtains. These inner curtains were intricately embroidered with cherubim. Nearly five centuries later, when King Solomon was building the Temple, the equivalent inner court had two large gold hammered cherubim whose wings outstretched and touched each other, possibly also in a circular fashion.

The Tabernacle would have received additional structural support due to a series of 20 “crossbeams” intersecting centralized rings mirroring modern circular trusses. These beams would have run counter to each other, radiating out towards the outer borders of the circular Inner Court.

The Outer Courtyard followed this same “circular” principle. The North, South, West, & East (Entrance) portions collectively had 60 bases which would neatly divide into the 360 degrees of a circle. The total amount of fabric required to line the outer court was 300 cubits of finely twisted linen. This 300 cubits of material multiplied by the 12 tribes equals 3600, another easily dividable multiple of a circle’s 360 degrees. Since the 12 tribes of Israel were camped around the Tabernacle, they would be able to neatly separate their different camp boundaries by the Outer Courtyard bases as well. The Outer Courtyard was described as having a length of 100 cubits and a width of 50 cubits, which could be accurately explained as the diameter of the circular Outer Court being 100 cubits, while the radius was 50 cubits.

This circular structure would also place the Holy of Holies in the center of the Tabernacle, rather than a back corner. After having walked through the circular Outer Courtyard and into the circular Tabernacle, you would have continued to move towards the center where the Arc of the Covenant was kept behind a blue, purple, and scarlet veil of finely twined linen with even more beautifully crafted cherubim weaved within the fabric (ref. Exodus 26:31).

As you moved from the Outer Court filled with the copper sacrificial alter, copper joists, and copper water basin, all representing Judgement, you would proceed into the Inner court filled with both silver and gold laden furniture, utensils, and structural supports. The silver items were a reminder of the redemption that Christ would provide for us as an intermediary between God’s Righteousness and the defiled World. It was only after entering the Holy of Holies, within the center of the entire Tabernacle, that you would be surrounded entirely by pure gold, symbolizing God’s Full Glory behind the linen veil, where the Arc of the Covenant and Mercy Seat could only be interacted with on the Day of Atonement.

Prophet Kent Simpson’s vision of the Tabernacle, which God showed him in 1991 as a round building, conflicted with that time period’s understanding of the Old Testament’s Tabernacle as a long rectangular building. Fittingly, the absolute center of the Tabernacle was no longer kept behind a veil, but was open and available so all could experience God’s Glory. The outer segments, likewise, would have more interaction with the world, the further you stepped out.

Though the true shape of the Old Testament Tabernacle is an exciting revelation, the more important characteristic to recognize was the fact that Moses exactly followed the instructions given to him by God. As we move even closer to beginning construction, we recognize that just as construction of the Temple was different from the layout of the Tabernacle, so too will the project we are entrusted with be unique and according to God’s Plans and Designs. We are excited to see what great signs, wonders, and miracles will occur within the Tabernacle and how the Holy Spirit will manifest in today’s age.

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles: Dovecote-Vision of the Tabernacle

Visions, Signs, Wonders & Miracles: Dovecote-Vision of the Tabernacle

The precise construction of the Tabernacle was so significant that its description and dimensions were explained multiple times to Moses and those building it. The Tabernacle was a complex project which required Prophet Moses and Chief Architect Bazelel to follow God’s exact specifications, a principle we must continue as God directs our steps during this new move.

After giving the Israelites a list of required materials to build the Tabernacle (ref. Exodus 25:1-7), God instructed Moses to “have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” insisting that they “make this Tabernacle and all its furnishing exactly like the pattern I will show you(Exodus 25:8-9).

Bazelel, Chief Architect of the Tabernacle, was also referred to as “Shobal” meaning “builder of the Dovecote”. Dovecotes were typically tall circular often domed structures, which were built to house pigeons and doves, which is fitting since “The Dovecote” was a common synonym for The Tabernacle, which housed the Holy Spirit. It is not a coincidence that the Holy Spirit manifested as a dove during Christ’s Baptism.

The inner covering of the Tabernacle was made up of ten finely woven linen curtains. Five curtains were interlaced with one another to form one half of the tent covering which were connected by loops to the other half which also consisted of five interlaced curtains. These inner curtains were intricately embroidered with cherubim. Nearly five centuries later, when King Solomon was building the Temple, the equivalent inner court had two large gold hammered cherubim whose wings outstretched and touched each other, possibly also in a circular fashion.

The Tabernacle would have received additional structural support due to a series of either 16 or 24 “crossbeams” intersecting centralized rings mirroring modern circular trusses. These beams would have run counter to each other, radiating out towards the outer borders of the circular Inner Court.

The Outer Courtyard followed this same “circular” principle. The North, South, West, & East (Entrance) portions collectively had 60 bases which would neatly divide into the 360 degrees of a circle. The total amount of fabric required to line the outer court was 300 cubits of finely twisted linen. This 300 cubits of material multiplied by the 12 tribes equals 3600, another easily dividable multiple of a circle’s 360 degrees. Since the 12 tribes of Israel were camped around the Tabernacle, they would be able to neatly separate their different camp boundaries by the Outer Courtyard bases as well. The Outer Courtyard was described as having a length of 100 cubits and a width of 50 cubits, which could be accurately explained as the diameter of the circular Outer Court being 100 cubits, while the radius was 50 cubits.

This circular structure would also place the Holy of Holies in the center of the Tabernacle, rather than a back corner. After having walked through the circular Outer Courtyard and into the circular Tabernacle, you would have continued to move towards the center where the Arc of the Covenant was kept behind a blue, purple, and scarlet veil of finely twined linen with even more beautifully crafted cherubim weaved within the fabric (ref. Exodus 26:31).

As you moved from the Outer Court filled with the copper sacrificial alter, copper joists, and copper water basin, all representing Judgement, you would proceed into the Inner court filled with both silver and gold laden furniture, utensils, and structural supports. The silver items were a reminder of the redemption that Christ would provide for us as an intermediary between God’s Righteousness and the defiled World. It was only after entering the Holy of Holies, within the center of the entire Tabernacle, that you would be surrounded entirely by pure gold, symbolizing God’s Full Glory behind the linen veil, where the Arc of the Covenant and Mercy Seat could only be interacted with on the Day of Atonement.

Prophet Kent Simpson’s vision of the Tabernacle, which God showed him in 1991 as a round building, conflicted with that time period’s understanding of the Old Testament’s Tabernacle as a long rectangular building. Fittingly, the absolute center of the Tabernacle was no longer kept behind a veil, but was open and available so all could experience God’s Glory. The outer segments, likewise, would have more interaction with the world, the further you stepped out.

Though the true shape of the Old Testament Tabernacle is an exciting revelation, the more important characteristic to recognize was the fact that Moses exactly followed the instructions given to him by God. As we move even closer to beginning construction, we recognize that just as construction of the Temple was different from the layout of the Tabernacle, so too will the project we are entrusted with be unique and according to God’s Plans and Designs. We are excited to see what great signs, wonders, and miracles will occur within the Tabernacle and how the Holy Spirit will manifest in today’s age.

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues

Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues

Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts: Baptized by Water & Fire

While the impartation of the Holy Spirit was an uncommon event in the Old Testament, reserved for those fulfilling a specific role to accomplish His Will, God told His Prophets of an Age when His Spirit would come upon all Mankind.

John the Baptist had been told by God, that He would recognize the Messiah when he saw the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him. While John baptized with water, Christ would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (ref. Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1: 32-33).

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews, recognized that Christ’s ability to teach and perform miracles came from God, but failed to understand what was required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ explained that it was impossible, except a man be born again through both the baptism of water and of the Holy Spirit (ref. John 3:1-6). After this confrontation with Nicodemus, Christ took His Disciples to Judea and they began baptizing.

Though the Apostles had already been baptized in water by John (ref. John 1:35-37, 3:23) and walked with Christ for years during His Ministry, it was not until after His Crucifixion and Resurrection that they had the opportunity to baptized with the Holy Spirit (ref. Acts 1:4-5). A few days after Christ’s Ascension, His Disciples were all gathered together during the required Feast of Pentecost, when suddenly there came from Heaven a violent rushing wind and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in Tongues.

The tens of thousands of men which came from all over the known world to Jerusalem to attend Pentecost were amazed and astounded that they heard their foreign languages being spoken by the newly Spirit-filled Disciples. Peter explained that this was the fulfillment of Joel’s Prophecy (ref. Joel 2:28-29) that God would pour out His Spirit on All Flesh; that sons and daughters would begin to prophesy, old men would dream dreams, and young men would see visions, and that even the male and female slaves would also prophesy (ref. Acts 2:6-18).

When the people listening to Peter recognized that they had witnessed or been party to Christ’s torture and crucifixion, when they had all gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Passover, they were overcome with a great mourning and distress over their actions and sought to receive the Spirit of Grace and Mercy God had promised the House of David and the city of Jerusalem (ref. Zechariah 12:10). Peter explained that they must “Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and they would receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit”.

Though God promised that He would first pour out His Spirit and Blessing upon Jacob’s offspring (ref. Isaiah 44:1-3), which was fulfilled with the 3,000 circumcised converts at Pentecost, this baptism by Fire and the Holy Spirit was not limited to the Jews. Later, while Peter was preaching to a large group of Gentiles informing them that the Gospel would now be preached to all nations, the Holy Spirit came upon all who heard his message and they too began to speak in foreign tongues and praising the name of the Lord before being baptized by water.

Paul resounded the need for both the baptisms of water and fire/Holy Spirit when he came across some of John the Baptist’s disciples. They were only aware of the Baptism of Repentance that John taught, but Paul insisted they be baptized in the Name of Lord Jesus and when he laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they began to speak in tongues and prophesy.

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul stressed the fact that just as Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom was made up of peoples of many different nations, both Jew and Gentile, members of the Body of Christ would also operate in many different giftings as well. But it was by one Spirit that they were all baptized when they received their spiritual gifts and from this same Spirit they all drank of.

This baptism by both water and fire not only ensures our Eternal Life in Heaven, but also bestows us with at least one spiritual gift to develop and use during our physical time on Earth.

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator

Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts: Baptized by Water & Fire

Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts: Baptized by Water & Fire

While the impartation of the Holy Spirit was an uncommon event in the Old Testament, reserved for those fulfilling a specific role to accomplish His Will, God told His Prophets of an Age when His Spirit would come upon all Mankind.

John the Baptist had been told by God, that He would recognize the Messiah when he saw the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him. While John baptized with water, Christ would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (ref. Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1: 32-33).

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews, recognized that Christ’s ability to teach and perform miracles came from God, but failed to understand what was required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ explained that it was impossible, except a man be born again through both the baptism of water and of the Holy Spirit (ref. John 3:1-6). After this confrontation with Nicodemus, Christ took His Disciples to Judea and they began baptizing.

Though the Apostles had already been baptized in water by John (ref. John 1:35-37, 3:23) and walked with Christ for years during His Ministry, it was not until after His Crucifixion and Resurrection that they had the opportunity to baptized with the Holy Spirit (ref. Acts 1:4-5). A few days after Christ’s Ascension, His Disciples were all gathered together during the required Feast of Pentecost, when suddenly there came from Heaven a violent rushing wind and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in Tongues.

The tens of thousands of men which came from all over the known world to Jerusalem to attend Pentecost were amazed and astounded that they heard their foreign languages being spoken by the newly Spirit-filled Disciples. Peter explained that this was the fulfillment of Joel’s Prophecy (ref. Joel 2:28-29) that God would pour out His Spirit on All Flesh; that sons and daughters would begin to prophesy, old men would dream dreams, and young men would see visions, and that even the male and female slaves would also prophesy (ref. Acts 2:6-18).

When the people listening to Peter recognized that they had witnessed or been party to Christ’s torture and crucifixion, when they had all gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Passover, they were overcome with a great mourning and distress over their actions and sought to receive the Spirit of Grace and Mercy God had promised the House of David and the city of Jerusalem (ref. Zechariah 12:10). Peter explained that they must “Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and they would receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit”.

Though God promised that He would first pour out His Spirit and Blessing upon Jacob’s offspring (ref. Isaiah 44:1-3), which was fulfilled with the 3,000 circumcised converts at Pentecost, this baptism by Fire and the Holy Spirit was not limited to the Jews. Later, while Peter was preaching to a large group of Gentiles informing them that the Gospel would now be preached to all nations, the Holy Spirit came upon all who heard his message and they too began to speak in foreign tongues and praising the name of the Lord before being baptized by water.

Paul resounded the need for both the baptisms of water and fire/Holy Spirit when he came across some of John the Baptist’s disciples. They were only aware of the Baptism of Repentance that John taught, but Paul insisted they be baptized in the Name of Lord Jesus and when he laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they began to speak in tongues and prophesy.

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul stressed the fact that just as Christ’s Spiritual Kingdom was made up of peoples of many different nations, both Jew and Gentile, members of the Body of Christ would also operate in many different giftings as well. But it was by one Spirit that they were all baptized when they received their spiritual gifts and from this same Spirit they all drank of.

This baptism by both water and fire not only ensures our Eternal Life in Heaven, but also bestows us with at least one spiritual gift to develop and use during our physical time on Earth.

Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator


Discerning of Spirits

Discerning of Spirits

Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts: The Second Civil War & the Righteous Rebel

The Old Testament has many instances of the Holy Spirit coming upon great, honorable men of God with positions such as prophets, judges, kings, architects, & high priests. But, the Holy Spirit also chose a traitor to his family, his tribe, and his king.

After the Holy Spirit abandoned King Saul, but before David could claim his rightful place as King of Israel, the country spit in two, between the Northern Kingdom, which supported the Benjamite Saul of Gibeah, and the Southern Kingdom of Judah, the family tribe of David of Bethlehem.

A similar civil war had erupted during the time of the Judges.

A Levite had a concubine, who had been unfaithful, and fled to her father’s house in the town of Bethlehem in Judah. Four months later, the Levite went to bring his concubine back home and during their journey, decided to rest in the Benjamite city of Gibeah. The Levite and his concubine were provided shelter by a local man from the same region (Mount Ephraim) that the Levite was from, but, during the night, a group of men stormed the house demanding that the Levite be turned over so they could sexually assault him! Instead, his unfaithful concubine was given to the mob, who abused her throughout the night. She was found at the door’s threshold the next morning and the Levite took her body home and cut it into twelve pieces, which were sent to the twelve tribes of Israel (ref. Judges 19).

Men throughout the country rose up against the City of Gibeah, demanding that the men who had committed the treachery be brought out to be executed, but the Benjamites refused and instead made war against the other tribes of Israel. After two major losses, the men of Israel enacted a plan that tricked and routed the Benjamite soldiers who were defending the city. After Gibeah was burned to the ground, the Israelite soldiers went through the Benjamite territory, wiping out the towns and cities which had not stood up against their fellow Benjamites to enact justice.

In the end, only six-hundred Benjamite men survived.

Since no Benjamite women were left, the town of Jabesh-Gilead, which had refused to send men to fight against the City of Gibeah, was destroyed and Gadite maidens were given to the surviving Benjamites as wives. It was from these six-hundred spared Benjamites and their Gadite wives that Saul claimed his heritage(ref. Judges 20).

After David’s many victories following the defeat of Goliath the Philistine giant, King Saul became jealous of the nation’s love for David. Recognizing that his political power was threatened, Saul repeatedly attacked and had his men chase after David, forcing him to flee the country and seek refuge amongst the Philistines whom he’d previously warred against.

During his banishment to Ziklag, a Judean city on the edge of Philistine territory, David and his men prepared to fight alongside the Philistines to launch attacks against Saul’s army, but the town was raided by the Amalekites. After tracking down the raiders and getting the prisoners and goods that were stolen back and looting the attacker’s encampment, David divided the spoils of war amongst all the men, rather than just those who had fought, and sent gifts to the towns throughout Judah which had previously provided them food, water, and shelter when they had been pursued by Saul.

These gifts and heroic acts earned David much support amongst his fellow tribesmen within the region of Judah. But his most important support came from outside his tribal ties.

After hearing stories of his exploits and recognizing that David was the rightful king of Israel, military men began to defect to David’s side. But these men were not the societal outcasts and criminals which David’s army was currently composed of, but skilled men of war. They were “brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains”. They were “armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows and sling bows using either their right or left hand”, who’s weakest member could challenge one hundred men singlehandedly. These men forded the overflowing Jordan River during the flooding season and their presence sent all who looked upon them fleeing in terror.

While these men were great fighters and military commanders, the most impressive aspect about them was the fact that they came from the tribes of Benjamin and Gad. These men who joined David were from the same tribes that the current King Saul hailed from, and were among the warriors who had previously helped King Saul in battle and were even relatives of him. Their Benjamite and Gadite forefathers did not rise against the evil men of Gibeah, Saul’s hometown, who had done unbelievable evil to the concubine from Bethlehem, David’s birthplace, but these men chose to align themselves with the Lord.

When David saw the group approaching his stronghold and inquired of their intentions, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Amasai, the Chief of the Thirty who declared “We are yours, David! We are with you, son of Jesse! Success, success to you, and success to those who help you, for your God will help you.” This heroic act and prophetic word manifested in the Nation of Israel’s heart being moved and hundreds of thousands of men from all the other tribes gathered to turn Saul’s kingdom over to David, as the Lord had said.

Amasai, the Chief of the Thirty, whom the Spirit of the Lord came upon, was the first to pledge allegiance to David, but in doing so, he also marked himself a traitor to his relative Saul, abandoned his Tribe of Benjamin, and committed treason against the crown. But unlike their forefathers who put their bloodline, heritage, and regional and political alliances as their top priority, Amasai and the Benjamites and Gadites who joined David chose to desert their previous ranks to fight on behalf of God’s Will.

We need to be brave and not allow tradition, regional, religious, and political affiliations, cloud and misdirect our spiritual walks. As members of His Spiritual Kingdom, we must always discern and orient ourselves to ensure we are fighting to advance the cause of Christ. The institutions of men’s design will fall and fail so as wise Spirit-filled followers we should place Him as King of our lives.

Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts-The Second Civil War & The Righteous Rebel

Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts: The Second Civil War & The Righteous Rebel

The Old Testament has many instances of the Holy Spirit coming upon great, honorable men of God with positions such as prophets, judges, kings, architects, & high priests. But, the Holy Spirit also chose a traitor to his family, his tribe, and his king.

After the Holy Spirit abandoned King Saul, but before David could claim his rightful place as King of Israel, the country spit in two, between the Northern Kingdom, which supported the Benjamite Saul of Gibeah, and the Southern Kingdom of Judah, the family tribe of David of Bethlehem.

A similar civil war had erupted during the time of the Judges.

A Levite had a concubine, who had been unfaithful, and fled to her father’s house in the town of Bethlehem in Judah. Four months later, the Levite went to bring his concubine back home and during their journey, decided to rest in the Benjamite city of Gibeah. The Levite and his concubine were provided shelter by a local man from the same region (Mount Ephraim) that the Levite was from, but, during the night, a group of men stormed the house demanding that the Levite be turned over so they could sexually assault him! Instead, his unfaithful concubine was given to the mob, who abused her throughout the night. She was found at the door’s threshold the next morning and the Levite took her body home and cut it into twelve pieces, which were sent to the twelve tribes of Israel (ref. Judges 19).

Men throughout the country rose up against the City of Gibeah, demanding that the men who had committed the treachery be brought out to be executed, but the Benjamites refused and instead made war against the other tribes of Israel. After two major losses, the men of Israel enacted a plan that tricked and routed the Benjamite soldiers who were defending the city. After Gibeah was burned to the ground, the Israelite soldiers went through the Benjamite territory, wiping out the towns and cities which had not stood up against their fellow Benjamites to enact justice.

In the end, only six-hundred Benjamite men survived.

Since no Benjamite women were left, the town of Jabesh-Gilead, which had refused to send men to fight against the City of Gibeah, was destroyed and Gadite maidens were given to the surviving Benjamites as wives. It was from these six-hundred spared Benjamites and their Gadite wives that Saul claimed his heritage(ref. Judges 20).

After David’s many victories following the defeat of Goliath the Philistine giant, King Saul became jealous of the nation’s love for David. Recognizing that his political power was threatened, Saul repeatedly attacked and had his men chase after David, forcing him to flee the country and seek refuge amongst the Philistines whom he’d previously warred against.

During his banishment to Ziklag, a Judean city on the edge of Philistine territory, David and his men prepared to fight alongside the Philistines to launch attacks against Saul’s army, but the town was raided by the Amalekites. After tracking down the raiders and getting the prisoners and goods that were stolen back and looting the attacker’s encampment, David divided the spoils of war amongst all the men, rather than just those who had fought, and sent gifts to the towns throughout Judah which had previously provided them food, water, and shelter when they had been pursued by Saul.

These gifts and heroic acts earned David much support amongst his fellow tribesmen within the region of Judah. But his most important support came from outside his tribal ties.

After hearing stories of his exploits and recognizing that David was the rightful king of Israel, military men began to defect to David’s side. But these men were not the societal outcasts and criminals which David’s army was currently composed of, but skilled men of war. They were “brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains”. They were “armed with bows and were able to shoot arrows and sling bows using either their right or left hand”, who’s weakest member could challenge one hundred men singlehandedly. These men forded the overflowing Jordan River during the flooding season and their presence sent all who looked upon them fleeing in terror.

While these men were great fighters and military commanders, the most impressive aspect about them was the fact that they came from the tribes of Benjamin and Gad. These men who joined David were from the same tribes that the current King Saul hailed from, and were among the warriors who had previously helped King Saul in battle and were even relatives of him. Their Benjamite and Gadite forefathers did not rise against the evil men of Gibeah, Saul’s hometown, who had done unbelievable evil to the concubine from Bethlehem, David’s birthplace, but these men chose to align themselves with the Lord.

When David saw the group approaching his stronghold and inquired of their intentions, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Amasai, the Chief of the Thirty who declared “We are yours, David! We are with you, son of Jesse! Success, success to you, and success to those who help you, for your God will help you.” This heroic act and prophetic word manifested in the Nation of Israel’s heart being moved and hundreds of thousands of men from all the other tribes gathered to turn Saul’s kingdom over to David, as the Lord had said.

Amasai, the Chief of the Thirty, whom the Spirit of the Lord came upon, was the first to pledge allegiance to David, but in doing so, he also marked himself a traitor to his relative Saul, abandoned his Tribe of Benjamin, and committed treason against the crown. But unlike their forefathers who put their bloodline, heritage, and regional and political alliances as their top priority, Amasai and the Benjamites and Gadites who joined David chose to desert their previous ranks to fight on behalf of God’s Will.

We need to be brave and not allow tradition, regional, religious, and political affiliations, cloud and misdirect our spiritual walks. As members of His Spiritual Kingdom, we must always discern and orient ourselves to ensure we are fighting to advance the cause of Christ. The institutions of men’s design will fall and fail so as wise Spirit-filled followers we should place Him as King of our lives.


Prepared by, Kent Simpson, Apostolic Prophet & Eric Sepulveda, PMT Administrator